I found the module (~/components/cam/src/physics/cam/aer_rad_props.F90) where aerosol radiative properties are computed in CAM6.
In this module from subroutine aer_rad_props_sw returns SW optical props of aerosols, which are mainly extinction optical depth, scattering and asymmetry parameter.
But for LW is only available absorption optical depth.
Is there somewhere to find more information fort LW like in SW?
Or CAM6 radiative transfer code does not have LW scattering so only extinction/ absorption is considered?.
Thanks in advance
I found the module (~/components/cam/src/physics/cam/aer_rad_props.F90) where aerosol radiative properties are computed in CAM6.
In this module from subroutine aer_rad_props_sw returns SW optical props of aerosols, which are mainly extinction optical depth, scattering and asymmetry parameter.
But for LW is only available absorption optical depth.
Is there somewhere to find more information fort LW like in SW?
Or CAM6 radiative transfer code does not have LW scattering so only extinction/ absorption is considered?.
Thanks in advance