The example file provided here is a climatology (1980-2014) of soil moisture. It would be repeated each year.
But you can also provide a file that has soil moisture for a multiple-year timespan and the streams function will handle that.
If you want to just prescribe soil moisture for a given region and let the model prognose soil moisture outside of that region, then you'll need to provide the file for that and also modify SoilMoistureStreamMod.F90. So you need a combination of Method 1 and 2.
You could provide a global file but modify SoilMoistureStreamMod.F90 to just read in soil moisture over your desired domain.
Note that we haven't done this before, so are not able to provide specifics.
Dear Dr. Oleson,
Thanks to your comment, I could notice that I can prescribe soil moisture in CESM2 simulation.
I check that example file in F compset, soil moisture climatology is monthly time-scale.
By the way, if I change it to daily soil moisture climatology by using 'stream_fldfilename_soilm', will it be also possible to work ?
And I would like to ask you one more thing.
I have two soil moisture climatology data as CESM2 inputdata.
One is ''.
Another is ''
These are from
One thing I want to ask you is that the first file time span is from 1997-
01 to 1997-
12 but second file is from 1997-
02 to 1998-
If I prescribe soil moisture, will model recognize the first date as January and the last as December regardless of the time meta information in the file ?
Or will the model follow the time meta information in the prescribed file ?
I appreciate your help in advance.
Best regards,