I am running CAM3.5.32.
The option -namelist "&camexp nelapse=-32 /" does not work for me.
(Am I using the right quotes?)
Here is my command:
[drosa@n0004 ~]$ /global/home/users/drosa/ccp-ucb_wcopy/models/atm/cam/bld/build-namelist -dir /global/home/users/drosa/run -case test-lbl -config /global/home/users/drosa/tmp/config_cache.xml -csmdata /global/home/users/drosa/data -namelist "&camexp nelapse=-32 /"
build-namelist - ERROR: Invalid namelist variable in commandline arg '-namelist'.
ERROR: in _validate_pair (package Build::NamelistDefinition): Variable name nelapse not found in /global/home/users/drosa/ccp-ucb_wcopy/models/atm/cam/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition.xml
Without the "/" the script does not break down:
[drosa@n0004 ~]$ /global/home/users/drosa/ccp-ucb_wcopy/models/atm/cam/bld/build-namelist -dir /global/home/users/drosa/run -case test-lbl -config /global/home/users/drosa/tmp/config_cache.xml -csmdata /global/home/users/drosa/data -namelist "&camexp nelapse=-32"
Writing CAM namelist to /global/home/users/drosa/run/atm_in
Writing CLM namelist to /global/home/users/drosa/run/lnd_in
Writing driver namelist to /global/home/users/drosa/run/drv_in
Writing ocean component namelist to /global/home/users/drosa/run/ocn_in
Writing sea ice component namelist to /global/home/users/drosa/run/ice_in
but there is not "nelapse" define in /global/home/users/drosa/run/drv_in
[drosa@n0004 ~]$ cat /global/home/users/drosa/run/drv_in
case_name = 'test-lbl'
start_type = 'startup'
atm_cpl_dt = 1800
orb_iyear_ad = 1990
restart_option = 'monthly'
start_ymd = 901
stop_n = 1
stop_option = 'ndays'
Alternatively, how do I put the -namelist option in a infile?
[drosa@n0004 ~]$ cat infile-namelist
-namelist "&camexp nelapse=-32 /"
The option -namelist "&camexp nelapse=-32 /" does not work for me.
(Am I using the right quotes?)
Here is my command:
[drosa@n0004 ~]$ /global/home/users/drosa/ccp-ucb_wcopy/models/atm/cam/bld/build-namelist -dir /global/home/users/drosa/run -case test-lbl -config /global/home/users/drosa/tmp/config_cache.xml -csmdata /global/home/users/drosa/data -namelist "&camexp nelapse=-32 /"
build-namelist - ERROR: Invalid namelist variable in commandline arg '-namelist'.
ERROR: in _validate_pair (package Build::NamelistDefinition): Variable name nelapse not found in /global/home/users/drosa/ccp-ucb_wcopy/models/atm/cam/bld/namelist_files/namelist_definition.xml
Without the "/" the script does not break down:
[drosa@n0004 ~]$ /global/home/users/drosa/ccp-ucb_wcopy/models/atm/cam/bld/build-namelist -dir /global/home/users/drosa/run -case test-lbl -config /global/home/users/drosa/tmp/config_cache.xml -csmdata /global/home/users/drosa/data -namelist "&camexp nelapse=-32"
Writing CAM namelist to /global/home/users/drosa/run/atm_in
Writing CLM namelist to /global/home/users/drosa/run/lnd_in
Writing driver namelist to /global/home/users/drosa/run/drv_in
Writing ocean component namelist to /global/home/users/drosa/run/ocn_in
Writing sea ice component namelist to /global/home/users/drosa/run/ice_in
but there is not "nelapse" define in /global/home/users/drosa/run/drv_in
[drosa@n0004 ~]$ cat /global/home/users/drosa/run/drv_in
case_name = 'test-lbl'
start_type = 'startup'
atm_cpl_dt = 1800
orb_iyear_ad = 1990
restart_option = 'monthly'
start_ymd = 901
stop_n = 1
stop_option = 'ndays'
Alternatively, how do I put the -namelist option in a infile?
[drosa@n0004 ~]$ cat infile-namelist
-namelist "&camexp nelapse=-32 /"