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CAM4.0 terminates with some error after running for 9 years from the 31 years submitt

Hi eaton,
i am running CAM4.0 with GFDL CM2.1 output data set from CMIP3 for a period of 31 years (time slice 2070-2100). with fv dynamical core on a horizontal resolution 0.9x1.25 with following build-namelist utility ..

/shome/2009ast3222/CAM4/models/atm/cam/bld/build-namelist -test -config /shome/2009ast3222/CAM4/New_resolution/Test1.4/bld4/config_cache.xml -ignore_ic_date -namelist "&camexp start_type='continue' start_ymd=20700202 stop_ymd=21001231 stop_option='ndays', stop_n=11283 nhtfrq=0,-24,-24,-24 ndens=2 mfilt=1,30,30,30 empty_htapes=.true. sstcyc= .false. bndtvs= '/shome/2009ast3222/CAM4/inputdata/atm/cam/sst/' stream_year_first=2070 stream_year_last=2100 fincl1='TREFHT:A','PRECT:A','PS:A','U:A','V:A','OMEGA:A','T:A','Q:A','RELHUM:A','CLOUD:A','TAUX:A','TAUY:A','SNOWHICE:A','SNOWHLND:A','Z3:A','OMEGA500:A','OMEGA850:A','Q200:A','Q850:A','T300:A','T850:A','U200:A','U850:A','V200:A','V850:A','Z300:A','Z500:A','Z700:A' fincl2='TREFHT:A','PRECT:A','PS:A' fincl3='TREFHT:M' fincl4='TREFHT:X' scenario_ghg = 'RAMPED' bndtvghg= '/shome/2009ast3222/CAM4/inputdata/atm/cam/ggas/' rampyear_ghg = 2070/"

my run terminates after completing 9 (1978-12) years with the following error message in log file.....

QNEG3 from TPHYSBCb:m= 3 lat/lchnk=*** Min. mixing ratio violated at 1 points. Reset to 0.0E+00 Worst =-6.0E-11 at i,k= 8 1
QNEG3 from zm_convr/Q:m= 1 lat/lchnk=*** Min. mixing ratio violated at 1 points. Reset to 1.0E-12 Worst =-6.9E-06 at i,k= 2 10
QNEG3 from convect_deep/Q:m= 1 lat/lchnk=*** Min. mixing ratio violated at 1 points. Reset to 1.0E-12 Worst =-6.9E-06 at i,k= 2 10
QNEG3 from TPHYSBCb:m= 3 lat/lchnk=*** Min. mixing ratio violated at 1 points. Reset to 0.0E+00 Worst =-5.0E-10 at i,k= 10 1
*** ZM_CONV: IENTROPY: Failed and about to exit, info follows ****
ZM_CONV: IENTROPY. Details: call#,lchnk,icol= 23185 2 lat: 73.98 lon: 205.00 P(mb)= 521.47 Tfg(K)= 293.17 qt(g/kg) = 27.27 qsat(g/kg) = 6.86, s(J/kg) = 434.60
ENDRUN:**** ZM_CONV IENTROPY: Tmix did not converge ****
application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1) - process 29[cli_29]: aborting job:
application called MPI_Abort(MPI_COMM_WORLD, 1) - process 29
rank 29 in job 6 compute-0-1.local_51461 caused collective abort of all ranks
exit status of rank 29: killed by signal 9
QNEG3 from TPHYSBCb:m= 3 lat/lchnk=*** Min. mixing ratio violated at 1 points. Reset to 0.0E+00 Worst =-7.3E-11 at i,k= 2 1

i am not able to find out what it is and the reason why it occurs at this particular step...Please suggest me the required to complete the run..
sir please reply as soon as possible because i have a very short time to submit my project..i will be highly thankful to you..
Thank you in advance..

IIT Delhi-110016