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cam4 varying SST run doesn't work


I have no problem running CAM4 with cycled climatological SST.
But when I tried to run CAM4 with varying prescribed SST for 1997-1998 Elnino Period. I got trouble. I tried several sst dataset, each one gives me different ERROR messages.

Here is my build-namelist:

$camcfg/build-namelist -test -config bld/config_cache.xml -dir ./run -namelist "&xxx doisccp=.TRUE. isccpdata='/scr/msun/cam/data/atm/cam2/rad/' sstcyc=.FALSE. ncdata='/scr/msun/cam4/work/data/atm/cam/inic/gaus/' bndtvs='/scr/msun/cam4/work/data/atm/cam/sst/' start_ymd=19970901 stop_n=365/"

(seq_mct_drv) : Calling map_lnd2atm_mct
(seq_mct_drv) : Calling map_ocn2atm_mct for mapping o2x_ox to o2x_ax
(seq_mct_drv) : Model initialization complete

(shr_stream_findBounds) ERROR: LVD not found, all data is after yearLast
(shr_sys_abort) ERROR: (shr_stream_findBounds) ERROR: LVD not found, all data is after yearLast
(shr_sys_abort) WARNING: calling shr_mpi_abort() and stopping

When I tried
it gives me another different ERROR message which I did not save.

I wonder if it is due to the dataset itself. Please help. Thanks.



CSEG and Liaisons
To run with a time varying SST dataset you need to add the following variables to your -namelist argument: stream_year_first and stream_year_last. These variables are needed by the CICE component which is reading the ice coverage data from the SST dataset. The old CSIM4 component used in CAM3 did not require setting these variables.

For the dataset you should set stream_year_first=1949 and stream_year_last=2004.

it works. Thanks a lot. However I read both CAM4 user guide and CCSM4 user guide. I could not find the info you gave me.
Anyway, thanks a gain.



CSEG and Liaisons
I appreciate your effort to find the answer by looking at the documentation! Sorry this isn't there. The problem is just that we're so short staffed that documentation doesn't get the effort it really needs. This is certainly a topic I'll add to the user guide when I get the chance.

Yaqi Jin

Yaqi Jin
New Member
To run with a time varying SST dataset you need to add the following variables to your -namelist argument: stream_year_first and stream_year_last. These variables are needed by the CICE component which is reading the ice coverage data from the SST dataset. The old CSIM4 component used in CAM3 did not require setting these variables.

For the dataset you should set stream_year_first=1949 and stream_year_last=2004.
hi, eaton. I have met a similar error in CAM5. In different, I just modified the variables in env_eun.xml as follows: SSTICE_YEAR_START=0;SSTICE_YEAR_END=1;SSTICE_YEAR_ALIGN =0; RUN_STARTDATE=0000-01-01;

But when i try to run, the error will appear again. I wonder why. Thanks.