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Can not download inputdata through these days


Jiawei Shi
New Member
Recently, I use
wget --no-check-certificate -c -i /dssg/home/acct-iooldw/iooldw-user5/Cases/B1850/Buildconf/all_list-short.txt

to download Inputdata, I find there is a SSL connection bug like below

--2025-02-03 21:52:37--
Resolving (
Connecting to (||:3128... connected.
Proxy tunneling failed: Service UnavailableUnable to establish SSL connection.

I tried different ip and VPN to connect to
but all field. However, I can use this way to download last month.

Today, the connection is normal, however I also wanna know
Is there any other methods to download Inputdata in China ( We cannot use svn to download Inputdata exactly)


Jesse Nusbaumer
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Hi Jiawei,

Apologies for the slow response! We had an issue with our SVN data server connection, so the SSL problem you ran into might have been related to that. The system should be back up now, so if you try it again and still get the error can you let us know?

Also, I believe that SVN URL is the only way we can provide the input datasets we have here at NCAR to the wider community, but if a colleague or research center in China has already downloaded the data then you may be able to get it more easily from them instead of directly from us.

Anyways, I hope that helps, and have a great day!

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