Dear Yuan,
Note that for running with no prescribed Lower Boundary Conditions (LBC) concentrations,
you need to remove CO2 from the list [ foreach my $ghg ('CO2','CH4', 'N2O','CFC11','CFC12') ] in components/cam/bld/build-namelist
Look for the following paragraph:
# Make sure the flbc_list specifies all the GHGs needed for radiation.
my $flbc_list = $nl->get_value('flbc_list');
if (defined $flbc_list) {
# If flbc_list has already been defined, check that it contains all
# the GHGs needed by the radiation code.
foreach my $ghg ('CO2','CH4', 'N2O','CFC11','CFC12') {
if ($flbc_list !~ /$ghg/) {
die "$ProgName - ERROR: $ghg is missing from flbc_list \n";
else {
my $val = "'CO2','CH4','N2O','CFC11','CFC12'";
add_default($nl, 'flbc_list', 'val'=>$val);
I have run CAM-chem with prescribed fluxes of CO2 and CH4, but I am not familiar with the BPRP component sets.