Hi jedwards, According to what I observed, the "NetCDF: Invalid dimension ID or name" doesn't seem to be an issue.I set up a new case with the following compset and resolution:export COMPSET=F1850CNCHMexport RES=f02_t12export MACH=userdefinedexport CCSMROOT=$CESM_PREFIX/cesm1_2_2_CAMChemexport CASE=SCASE1export CASEROOT=$CESM_PREFIX/MYCASESexport EXEROOT=$CESM_PREFIX/MYCASES/$CASE/EXECexport RUNDIR=$CESM_PREFIX/MYCASES/$CASE/EXEC/run And this is what I observed on monitoring the mpi processes using "top" command:1) The model runs for a while (approx 3-5 minutes)2) Then suddenly the memory of each process increases.3) Until (for my cluster), it reached to 41... GB per process and the application crashed, since that much amount of memory is not available. So the issue doesn't seem to be related to any incorrect installation of netcdf or incorrect build of the apllication.Just one thing more, please suggest me the smallest resolution and related compset so that I can test atleast 1 successful run of the application.I am not a domain expert, thus, having trouble in deciding the models. It would be nice if you suggest one.Note: The cluster is having 12 nodes with approx 128GB per node. Thanks,Vineet More