I am using CESM2.1.3 to run a G-case to test ocean iron fertilization simulation. Firstly I want to improve the Fe concentration in the forcing files. I find that there are three Fe-related forcing files in the 'pop/gx1v6/forcing' folder, they are, 'fesedfluxTot_gx1v6_cesm2_2018_c180618.nc', 'feventflux_gx1v6_5gmol_cesm1_97_2017.nc' and 'solFe_scenario4_current_gx1v6_8gmol_cesm1_93_20161114.nc'. The first .nc file represents for the iron flux from sediment and the second represents for the vent source, just as the description in the paper "Simulations With the Marine Biogeochemistry Library (MARBL)". Here are my questions:
1. As said in the paper, there is also iron source from river. However, I don't find any file related to iron river source in the folder 'pop/gx1v6/forcing'. Is it in other folder or somewhere?
2. What does the third file ''solFe_scenario4_current_gx1v6_8gmol_cesm1_93_20161114.nc' represent for? Is it the sum of solFe from sediment, vent, river and dust?
3. If I want to improve Fe input in a G-case, shall I make changes in which one of these three files? For example, if I have doubled Fe input flux in the first file, does it mean the iron source from sediment also double in my simulations? What if I have changed the third file?
Greatly appreciate any help!
1. As said in the paper, there is also iron source from river. However, I don't find any file related to iron river source in the folder 'pop/gx1v6/forcing'. Is it in other folder or somewhere?
2. What does the third file ''solFe_scenario4_current_gx1v6_8gmol_cesm1_93_20161114.nc' represent for? Is it the sum of solFe from sediment, vent, river and dust?
3. If I want to improve Fe input in a G-case, shall I make changes in which one of these three files? For example, if I have doubled Fe input flux in the first file, does it mean the iron source from sediment also double in my simulations? What if I have changed the third file?
Greatly appreciate any help!