Dear Team,
I was running a CLM5.0-only simulation with the I2000Clm50BgcCrop compset where I planted additional trees. I was reading in a different surfdat file where the tree coverage (natpft 1-8) is increased while the crop area is decreased accordingly (PCT_CROP). As a check that my simulation ran correctly, I was writing out the PCT_NAT_PFT and PCT_CFT variables where I encountered a surprising problem: If I compared the cfts one-by-one they were not matching up.
After some more checking, I found out that my simulation did run correctly but that for some reason some of the cfts are mapped to inactive types in the output (according to the 3rd column of the Table 2.26.1 2.26. Crops and Irrigation — ctsm release-clm5.0 documentation). When I now add together all inactive crop types to the active ones such that I get 16 active cfts (or 8 active cfts with one irrigated and one rainfed version), then the changes in cfts are matching up between the input and outputted PCT_CFT variables.
I hope that the above is understandable. I was just wondering if there is a reason why the cfts would get mapped to inactive types when outputting the PCT_CFT variable.
Thanks a lot!
I was running a CLM5.0-only simulation with the I2000Clm50BgcCrop compset where I planted additional trees. I was reading in a different surfdat file where the tree coverage (natpft 1-8) is increased while the crop area is decreased accordingly (PCT_CROP). As a check that my simulation ran correctly, I was writing out the PCT_NAT_PFT and PCT_CFT variables where I encountered a surprising problem: If I compared the cfts one-by-one they were not matching up.
After some more checking, I found out that my simulation did run correctly but that for some reason some of the cfts are mapped to inactive types in the output (according to the 3rd column of the Table 2.26.1 2.26. Crops and Irrigation — ctsm release-clm5.0 documentation). When I now add together all inactive crop types to the active ones such that I get 16 active cfts (or 8 active cfts with one irrigated and one rainfed version), then the changes in cfts are matching up between the input and outputted PCT_CFT variables.
I hope that the above is understandable. I was just wondering if there is a reason why the cfts would get mapped to inactive types when outputting the PCT_CFT variable.
Thanks a lot!