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CLM initial field and version issues

Joanna Liu

Zehui Liu
New Member
I've recently been exploring land-atmosphere interactions and would like to run the 2019 simulation with a more accurate land surface initial field. In the input data, the land surface initial field for the most recent year is I'd like to confirm if I can use this initial field in combination with the IHistClm50Bgc component to simulate the land surface from 2010-2019 and then use the January 2019 clm restart file as my land surface initial field for the 2019 test. Or do I need a longer spin-up?

Also, I have two questions about land initial fields and CLM versions
1) This initial field should be generated from BHIST(HIST_CAM60_CLM50%BGC-CROP_CICE_POP2%ECO_MOSART_CISM2% NOEVOLVE_WW3_BGC%BDRD) compset, is that available for other compsets to use as an initial field? (e.g., different CLM versions, _CLM60%BGC)
2)What are the main changes in the parameters of CLM60 compared to CLM50 (I haven't found any references yet)?


Staff member
You can use initial files from I-cases to start B or F-cases and vice versa in any combination or grid that you wish. However, keep in mind that the model will interpolate the initial data when the grids or sub-grids (i.e. patches, columns, landunits) do not line up. In that case you will get an error suggesting that you set use_init_interp = .true. and then the simulation will most likely work.

Clm6 is in development, so you will not find references for a little while still. Eventually clm6 will be released and we hope to provide some initial files for that version. Meanwhile it's worth trying what I suggested above to see if your clm5 initial file will start a clm6 case. If not, you could perform your own spin-up.

Joanna Liu

Zehui Liu
New Member
You can use initial files from I-cases to start B or F-cases and vice versa in any combination or grid that you wish. However, keep in mind that the model will interpolate the initial data when the grids or sub-grids (i.e. patches, columns, landunits) do not line up. In that case you will get an error suggesting that you set use_init_interp = .true. and then the simulation will most likely work.

Clm6 is in development, so you will not find references for a little while still. Eventually clm6 will be released and we hope to provide some initial files for that version. Meanwhile it's worth trying what I suggested above to see if your clm5 initial file will start a clm6 case. If not, you could perform your own spin-up.
I have tried that, and it runs successfully. However, the simulated overestimation of LAI for the CLM60 using this initial field is more pronounced than for the CLM50. So I don't know if it's only related to the initial field or the CLM version parameter.


Staff member
The answer may depend on the model version that you're using. There's a long discussion regarding the model's simulated LAI here and the current version overestimates the LAI:

Joanna Liu

Zehui Liu
New Member
The answer may depend on the model version that you're using. There's a long discussion regarding the model's simulated LAI here and the current version overestimates the LAI:
I'll look into it. Many thanks!