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On Tuesday 24 October 2023 @ 5pm MT the forums will be in read only mode in preparation for the downtime. On Wednesday 25 October 2023 @ 5am MT, this website will be down for maintenance and expected to return online later in the morning.
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  1. U

    Representing dynamic prognostic crops in CLM4.5

    What version of the code are you using? CESM1.2, CLM4.5 Have you made any changes to files in the source tree? Overwrite the error checks in clm_varctl.F90 and surfrdMod.F90 that arise due to the combined use of crop_prog and fpftdyn. Describe every step you took leading up to the problem: I...
  2. jgx

    PNETCDF not enabled in the build

    While running the clm5.0.35. The model setup and built has been successful. When I submit the case, it shows: PNETCDF not enabled in the build, The case compset is I2000Clm50FatesGs.
  3. J

    It doesn't work in changing surface data

    Hi all, I want to run two B1850 time series experiments use CESM 2.1.4, and I also changed the surface data in one of them, but it doesn't work (i.e., it outputs the same result as the CTR simulation). I ran two B1850 time series simulations: Control simulation: echo "flanduse_timeseries =...
  4. J

    CLM initial field and version issues

    Hi, I've recently been exploring land-atmosphere interactions and would like to run the 2019 simulation with a more accurate land surface initial field. In the input data, the land surface initial field for the most recent year is I'd...
  5. J

    CLM version in CESM2.3

    Hi, When I use cesm2_3_beta17, I can choose CLM5.0, CLM5.1, or CLM6.0 for the land component. I’m wondering where to see their code difference, is it in the my_cesm_sandbox/components/clm/src directory or other places? Best, Zehui
  6. X

    why the EFLX_LH_TOT do not equal to Qsoil +Qvege+QVEGT

    Hi, all I calculated the gap=ET/28.36-(qsoil+qve+qvt)*24*60*60 (unit: mm/d). But I have find most of the value of gap larger than 0 in vegetation regions. So, which method is accurate to get the ET from CLM, use the ET/28.36 or (qsoil+qve+qvt) ? Best Ru
  7. C

    Issues downloading input data in clm5 single point mode

    I'm having some issues downloading input data. I am following this page to do a single point clm 5 run on cesm 2.1.5. I know support for specifying PTS_LAT/PTS_LON in create_newcase was dropped from cime at some point, but I can just change it after the case is created. # create the test...
  8. J

    f05 and timing related questions in CESM2 beta version, and vertical level

    Hi, I recently tried to run cesm2_3_alpha17c/cesm2_3_alpha17d on a school server (Svante in MIT) and ran into the following problem: 1) I can't run FCnudge's f05_f05_mg17 grid resolution properly in CESM2.3, but it works fine in CESM2.2 version.CESM2.3 reports the following error after...
  9. J

    f05 and timing related questions in CESM2 beta version, and vertical level

    Hi, I recently tried to run cesm2_3_alpha17c/cesm2_3_alpha17d on a school server (Svante in MIT) and ran into the following problem: 1) I can't run FCnudge's f05_f05_mg17 grid resolution properly in CESM2.3, but it works fine in CESM2.2 version.CESM2.3 reports the following error after...
  10. W

    Missing ctsm5.2.0 inputdata

    Hi everyone, I'm using CESM2.3.alpha17, and I've encountered some missing data while running certain cases. Specifically, I'm looking for the files "" and "". If anyone could share these files...
  11. M


    I'm trying to run the CLM model with the compset I2000Clm50BgcCropGs --res f05_g17 (50km), but it gives the following error: I have turned off the crop model in user_nl_clm: use_crop = .false. irrigate = .false. fsurdat =...
  12. D

    Latent heat flux at the PFT level

    Good day! I wanted to ask some clarifications on the CLM gridcell level outputs. I am currently running CLM4.5 coupled with a RegCM model, and I have two experiments, one using the default vegetation cover and the other being the updated 2020 cover with evident deforestation in large areas. Upon...
  13. M

    turning off the crop model in the compset I2000Clm

    I would like to turn off the crop model option within the compset: I2000Clm50BgcCropGs with res f19_g16 (200km), so I did add the followings in the namelists user_nl_clm and lnd_in: use_crop = .false. AND irrigate = .false. The model run gives the following error: ERROR: Command...
  14. M

    clm model run error: IHist compset at 50km (the error: mismatch of input dimension)

    I've compiled the CLM model at --res f05_g17 (50km) with --compset IHistClm50BgcCropGs. However, model run gives the following error: #### error ##### Attempting to read crop dynamic landuse data ..... (GETFIL): attempting to find local file...
  15. S

    Questions about land-atmosphere interaction

    Dear all, My research focuses on the climate response to land use, so I mainly modify the surface energy balance in the CLM module and view the output files from the CAM module. However, I forgot to reflect the changes in albedo in the variables ALBD and ALBI which will export to CAM. And I...
  16. X

    when to set the file path in datm.streams**

    Hi, all I run a ssp simulation following the steps in forum, after build , i get the datm.streams.txt.Anomaly.Forcing* files, then i manually revised the content of datm.streams.txt.Anomaly.Fo* as follow: </variableNames> <filePath>...
  17. X

    try the anomaly_forcing in ssp simulation

    Hi, all, I try to make a ssp (e.g. ssp370) simulation (2016-2060) with the anomaly_forcing setting, but the anomaly_forcing folder in seems not existed? Besides, i want to clarify the process of how to use anomaly_foricng setting (I use mct...
  18. Y

    Spin up for the cold start in land-only runs

    Hi all, I am designing my land-only simulations for the project where I change 'numurbl' from 3 to 10 in the land surface file. For spinup from a cold start to generate initial data, in my understanding, maybe it should start with I1850, followed by IHIST(1850-2000), and then I2000, and...
  19. M

    A question related to DIN_LOC_ROOT_CLMFORC --> if CLM component is built and run

    I'm trying to run CLM model. I know that a local input directory should be available and set in the config_machines.xml --> ''DIN_LOC_ROOT''. My question is that, whether or not, ''DIN_LOC_ROOT_CLMFORC'' should be also provided in the config_machines.xml, when the CLM model is build/run? If...
  20. Q

    Question about stem area index in CLM5.0

    Hi, everyone. I'm trying to do some experiments based on the changes on the stem area index (SAI/Ls). I noticed that in the document of CLM5.0 the stem area index was described as ''Prescribed plant functional type (PFT) stem area index is derived from PFT leaf area index phenology combined with...