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  1. jgx

    Variables can be output by running CLM5

    Hi, I would like to know what variables can be output by running CLM5, and where can I find the information
  2. B

    How to turn off the transfer of CO2 from ATM to LND

    Dear All, I am running two FHIST_BGC cases to study the impact of LULCC on radiative forcing of GHGs in global, without considering their feedback. This needs GHGs to be sent from the land to the atmosphere, and not from the atmosphere to the land. The default CCSM_BGC = CO2A, it says "adds...
  3. J

    How to change the radiation reflected by the surface to the atmosphere

    Dear all, I would like to modify the radiation reflected by the surface to the atmosphere. Where should I change the code? Thanks very much
  4. K

    Branching off a run with modified land restart files

    Hello, I want to do a set of AGCM abrupt4xCO2+uniform 4K SST warming large ensemble simulation branching off from a control run. The goal of this experiment is to look at the instant atmosphere circulation responses to both SST warming and directive radiative forcing, so changes in every hours...
  5. W

    How to get model compset and input data used by CESM experiment submitted to the GCB2021 report?

    Dear all, I found that CLM was one of the participants submitting simulation results for the Global Carbon Budget 2021 (GCB2021) report. Now, I want to do some experiments (e.g., Modify some input data and re-run the model to find out the impacts of changing these inputs) based on the existing...
  6. R

    ERROR: In UpdateState_TopLayerFluxes, h2osoi_ice has gone significantly negative

    HI, I'm getting the following reproducible error in CAM while running a CAM6 f09 FHIST case with cam_cesm2_2_rel_03 (I think). Oddly it is able to run over 10 years before this error. The modifications I make are 1) using coupled CESM2 SSTs and sea ice rather than observed and 2) masking out the...
  7. D

    CTSM CLM standalone runs error

    git describe ctsm5.1.dev105 ./manage_externals/checkout_externals --status --verbose Processing externals description file : Externals.cfg Processing externals description file : Externals_CLM.cfg Processing externals description file : Externals_CISM.cfg Processing externals description file ...
  8. samrabin

    CLM output latitudes

    With the 15° longitude x 10° latitude grid (f10_f10_mg37), CLM output files have 360/15 = 24 longitudes, and they are as I would expect for a lower-left alignment (0, 15, …, 345). But there are 19 latitudes instead of 180/10 = 18, with latitudes -90, -80, …, -10, 0, 10, …, 80, 90. The...
  9. samrabin

    Assertion failed at ibdev_multirail.c:4297: "0 <= chan->queued"

    I'm doing a 2-degree spinup of ctsm5.1.dev092. The 200-year CLM_ACCELERATED_SPINUP run went fine, as did the first 400 years of the second phase. Now I'm trying to do another 400 years, and I'm running into this error: 1229:MPT ERROR: Assertion failed at ibdev_multirail.c:4297: "0 <=...
  10. samrabin

    GRAINC_TO_FOOD problem?

    I'm working to add an annually-output variable that gives the total "grain C to food" accumulated during each growing season. This will be faster and less error-prone than the usual method, which is to sum daily GRAINC_TO_FOOD across a growing season (after multiplying by 3600*24, or...
  11. S

    Runtime error: OOB latitude and longitude during CLM initdata regridding

    Hello, I am porting CESM 2.1.1 to another machine, and trying to run the FCHIST compset (1.9x2.5 degree resolution, 32 cores). I am using Intel's most recent compilers (2022.0.2) and OpenMPI v4.0.4. I'm finding a very strange error. During initialization, when CLM tries to regrid the initial...
  12. M

    case.submit ERROR: RUN FAIL: command

    Dear all, I am trying to submit a case created using compset 'ISSP126Clm50BgcCrop' in the containized docker version of CESM. The only setting I changed was the DIN_LOC_ROOT. The case create, setup, and build processes were ok. Here I attached the cesm.log file, FYI. Thank you!
  13. V

    addco2_user_nl_datm.user_nl is missing, how do I edit the user_nl_datm for a transcient CO2 PTCLM case?

    I'm not entirely sure if this should go in the CLM or DATM forums, so apologies if I've guessed wrong. I'm trying to run PTCLM5.0 with transcient atmospheric CO2 concentrations. As per this guide, these are the steps I have taken...
  14. D

    Details about the prescribed aerosol deposition data in 2000 in CLM?

    I found the prescribed aerosol deposition data in 2000: “”. Does anyone know any information about its used model/accuracy or any reference about this file? I also found a regridded version I also found a higher resolution version...
  15. Y

    The definition of clm's 'sand' and 'clay' variables in wrf

    Dear all, I try to add a new variable to the clm of wrf, called 'rock', which will work together with 'sand' and 'clay' in the parameterization. In wrf, the module_sf_clm.F file contains all the modules of clm. I need to define 'rock' in it and refer to the existing 'sand' and 'clay'. I found...
  16. W

    Difference of PCT_GLACIER/PCT_GLC_GIC/PCT_GLC_ICESHEET in surfdata?

    I am using CESM1.2.2 with CLM4.0 physics and would like to modify the surface data input. I came across two variables that seem to exist only in CISM-enabled CLM surfdata file, namely PCT_GLC_GIC and PCT_GLC_ICESHEET. One would assume that PCT_GLACIER=PCT_GLC_GIC+PCT_GLC_ICESHEET. However it...
  17. W

    Difference between TS (surface temperature, radiative, CAM) and TG (ground temperature, CLM)?

    Hi everyone, I'd like to inquire about the difference between surface temperature (radiative) and ground temperature? The first one is TS from CAM while the second is TG from CLM. More specifically, I am currently using CESM1.2.2 with CAM4 and CAM5. Somebody seems to have asked this before...
  18. X

    gen_domain.F90 make error:macro names must be identifiers

    When I try to get a executable gen_domain file, I entered into following directory and type "make": $CIMEROOT/tools/mapping/gen_domain_files/src So I try to make a macro.make file by typing: ./configure --macros-format Makefile --mpilib mpi-serial and it still displays the error: macro names...
  19. W

    Output of SMB in CLM4.5 F-compset runs

    Hi everyone, I am trying to have CLM4.5 (within CESM1.2.2) output surface mass balance in the Himalayas. However, it seems that CLM in default will only calculate SMB for runs coupled with CISM. One concern is that f05 resolution seems to be unsupported out of box with CESM runs with CISM such...
  20. V

    Build Error for Arctic-Boreal CLM

    Hi, I'm running PTCLM at a site in the Arctic, and I would like to apply the changes outlined in Birch et al (2021), and see what impact this has on the things I'm interested in. The process I have followed so far is as follows; 1. Downloaded the zip file from Zendoto (lmbirch89/CTSM: Arctic...