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Spin up for the cold start in land-only runs

Yuan Sun

Yuan Sun
Hi all,

I am designing my land-only simulations for the project where I change 'numurbl' from 3 to 10 in the land surface file.

For spinup from a cold start to generate initial data, in my understanding, maybe it should start with I1850, followed by IHIST(1850-2000), and then I2000, and I2010.

According to 1.5.4. Spinning up the Satellite Phenology Model — ctsm CTSM master documentation, I should run 50-year spinup.

in the I1850 run, I set RUN_STARTDATE=1850, DATM_YR_START=1850, CLM_FORCE_COLDSTART= on,
STOP_OPTION=nyears, STOP_N=49,
in the IHIST run, I set RUN_STARTDATE=1850, DATM_YR_START=1850, STOP_OPTION=nyears, STOP_N=149

So the simulation journey is I1850 (1850-1900) -> IHIST (1900-2000 or 1850-2000 ?) Could i use the 50year I1850 output for the IHIST with

Thanks for any comments.



The I1850 and I2000 are time-slice simulations and IHist is transient. As such, think of the simulation years as 1-50 in the first time-slice case and as 1850-2000 (or whatever it is) in the transient.