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clm input: ldomain cesm1.1

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Hi Samuel -
The clm code has changed and cesm111 no longer uses a fracdata file.  Instead, point to the domain.lnd file created for the LGM (, substituting it for the default domain.lnd file in the namelist).  I have attached the file for you: You will also need to point to this file in env_conf.xml:



Good luck, nan
Hi! Good advice, worked well!Now the model crashes in the ocean, I assume for the same reason, as I probably need to change OCN_DOMAIN_FILE and ICE_DOMAIN_FILE as well.Nan, do you have that file as well or could you point me to it please?Thanks!Samuel
Hi! Good advice, worked well!Now the model crashes in the ocean, I assume for the same reason, as I probably need to change OCN_DOMAIN_FILE and ICE_DOMAIN_FILE as well.Nan, do you have that file as well or could you point me to it please?Thanks!Samuel
Hi Nan,Can the above domain files be applied to LGM simulation with CESM1.2.2?I am trying to do a LGM simulation using CESM1.2.2 on yellowstone, I use E compset and choose resolution 0.9x1.25_gx1v6. I use the mapping files provided on this webpage and the domain files provided above.The simulation crashed with the following information in cpl.log(seq_mct_drv) : Performing domain checking(seq_domain_check)  --- checking land maskfrac ---(seq_domain_check)  --- checking ocean maskfrac ---(seq_domain_check)  --- checking ice maskfrac ---(seq_domain_check)  --- checking ocn/ice domains ---(seq_domain_check_grid)  the domain size is =          128(seq_domain_check_grid)  maximum           difference for mask  1.000000000000000(seq_domain_check_grid)  maximum allowable difference for mask  0.100000000000000E-01(seq_domain_check_grid)  the domain size is =          128 I also found the following ERROR information from cesm.log 5: (seq_domain_check_grid) ERROR: incompatible domain grid coordinates 5:(shr_sys_abort) ERROR: (seq_domain_check_grid)  incompatible domain grid coordinates 5:(shr_sys_abort) WARNING: calling shr_mpi_abort() and stopping ... ... ...It seems that the error is caused by the domain files. I am wondering whether there are LGM domain files available for CESM1.2.2?Any insights will be appreciated! Thanks! Wenwen   
Hi Nan,Can the above domain files be applied to LGM simulation with CESM1.2.2?I am trying to do a LGM simulation using CESM1.2.2 on yellowstone, I use E compset and choose resolution 0.9x1.25_gx1v6. I use the mapping files provided on this webpage and the domain files provided above.The simulation crashed with the following information in cpl.log(seq_mct_drv) : Performing domain checking(seq_domain_check)  --- checking land maskfrac ---(seq_domain_check)  --- checking ocean maskfrac ---(seq_domain_check)  --- checking ice maskfrac ---(seq_domain_check)  --- checking ocn/ice domains ---(seq_domain_check_grid)  the domain size is =          128(seq_domain_check_grid)  maximum           difference for mask  1.000000000000000(seq_domain_check_grid)  maximum allowable difference for mask  0.100000000000000E-01(seq_domain_check_grid)  the domain size is =          128 I also found the following ERROR information from cesm.log 5: (seq_domain_check_grid) ERROR: incompatible domain grid coordinates 5:(shr_sys_abort) ERROR: (seq_domain_check_grid)  incompatible domain grid coordinates 5:(shr_sys_abort) WARNING: calling shr_mpi_abort() and stopping ... ... ...It seems that the error is caused by the domain files. I am wondering whether there are LGM domain files available for CESM1.2.2?Any insights will be appreciated! Thanks! Wenwen   


Wenwen - It looks to me like your land/ocean masks don't match.  I don't think the ocn domain is triggering the problem directly; it is probably consistent with your coupler mapping and land domain files.  What are you using for your SOM data files?  Did you generate new SOM forcing files to match the LGM?  If not, the mask will differ from your LGM domain mask, and may be giving this error.


Wenwen - It looks to me like your land/ocean masks don't match.  I don't think the ocn domain is triggering the problem directly; it is probably consistent with your coupler mapping and land domain files.  What are you using for your SOM data files?  Did you generate new SOM forcing files to match the LGM?  If not, the mask will differ from your LGM domain mask, and may be giving this error.
Thanks for your quick reply, Nan!For the SOM forcing file, I used /glade/p/cesm/cseg/inputdata/ocn/docn7/SOM/pop_frc.b.c40.B1850cn.f09_g16.100513.ncIs there a way to modify this file to match the LGM (if I prefer to exclude the influence of ocean heat transport when I compare the LGM simulation with my control run)? Or should I generate a new SOM forcing file from an existed CCSM4-LGM fully coupled simulation (e.g. b40.lgm21ka.1deg.003)? Besides, I have further confusions about the mapping files. I kept the following mapping files as the default settings in env_run.xmlROF2LND_FMAPNAMEROF2LND_SMAPNAMELND2ROF_FMAPNAME(I assume it is reasonable to keep the above three mapping files unchanged, am I right?)ROF2OCN_FMAPNAME(I pointed ROF2OCN_RMAPNAME to as indicated from CCSM4-LGM run, but I am not sure whether it is reasonable to keep ROF2OCN_FMAPNAME unchanged...)Thanks very much for your time!Wenwen 
Thanks for your quick reply, Nan!For the SOM forcing file, I used /glade/p/cesm/cseg/inputdata/ocn/docn7/SOM/pop_frc.b.c40.B1850cn.f09_g16.100513.ncIs there a way to modify this file to match the LGM (if I prefer to exclude the influence of ocean heat transport when I compare the LGM simulation with my control run)? Or should I generate a new SOM forcing file from an existed CCSM4-LGM fully coupled simulation (e.g. b40.lgm21ka.1deg.003)? Besides, I have further confusions about the mapping files. I kept the following mapping files as the default settings in env_run.xmlROF2LND_FMAPNAMEROF2LND_SMAPNAMELND2ROF_FMAPNAME(I assume it is reasonable to keep the above three mapping files unchanged, am I right?)ROF2OCN_FMAPNAME(I pointed ROF2OCN_RMAPNAME to as indicated from CCSM4-LGM run, but I am not sure whether it is reasonable to keep ROF2OCN_FMAPNAME unchanged...)Thanks very much for your time!Wenwen 


Wenwen - SOM:  I haven't worked with the SOM forcing files, but since the netCDF file is easy to modify, I would start by changing the mask, S, T, U, and V fields to match the LGM mask.ROF:  If you are using cesm1.2 I think you will want to create a new ROF2OCN_FMAPNAME map.  Here is a quick example of how to do create it from the LGM ocean SCRIP file (which you will have to generate from the LGM topography (kmt) binary and the default CESM grid).  NOTE:  These scripts are for example purposes only!  I have not tested them for your case.Step 1:  Create SCRIP grid: (gx1v6{myLGM}_{DATE}.ncStep 2:  Use SCRIP grid to create new ROF2OCN_FMAPNAME  


Wenwen - SOM:  I haven't worked with the SOM forcing files, but since the netCDF file is easy to modify, I would start by changing the mask, S, T, U, and V fields to match the LGM mask.ROF:  If you are using cesm1.2 I think you will want to create a new ROF2OCN_FMAPNAME map.  Here is a quick example of how to do create it from the LGM ocean SCRIP file (which you will have to generate from the LGM topography (kmt) binary and the default CESM grid).  NOTE:  These scripts are for example purposes only!  I have not tested them for your case.Step 1:  Create SCRIP grid: (gx1v6{myLGM}_{DATE}.ncStep 2:  Use SCRIP grid to create new ROF2OCN_FMAPNAME  


Hi Wenwen -< Or should I generate a new SOM forcing file from an existed CCSM4-LGM fully coupled simulation (e.g. b40.lgm21ka.1deg.003)?>Sorry, I didn't completely understand what you wanted to do; per Christine Shield's email, this is what you will need to do:-- If you are running an LGM SOM, you need to acquire both grids and forcing (qflux,sst,etc) from a CESM fully coupled LGM run. if the forcing for an LGM SOM  hasn't already been done, you will need to do this yourself using the SOM qflux tools found in the release.nan


Hi Wenwen -< Or should I generate a new SOM forcing file from an existed CCSM4-LGM fully coupled simulation (e.g. b40.lgm21ka.1deg.003)?>Sorry, I didn't completely understand what you wanted to do; per Christine Shield's email, this is what you will need to do:-- If you are running an LGM SOM, you need to acquire both grids and forcing (qflux,sst,etc) from a CESM fully coupled LGM run. if the forcing for an LGM SOM  hasn't already been done, you will need to do this yourself using the SOM qflux tools found in the release.nan
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