Hi! I just want to confirm if the initial conditions files from a CLM3.5-DGVM spin-up run should be compatible as input to a fully-coupled run (compset B) of CCSM3?
The DGVM manual indicates that it is possible to initialize a coupled simulation with an initial or restart file from an offline simulation, but since CLM3.5 is only supported in the offline version, I wondered if this applies.
I was able to run CCSM with DGVM from arbitrary initial conditions in the land component. I tried running CCSM3 with DGVM and an initial conditions files from CLM3.5-DGVM but got a "check_dim / mismatch dimensions" error.
The DGVM manual indicates that it is possible to initialize a coupled simulation with an initial or restart file from an offline simulation, but since CLM3.5 is only supported in the offline version, I wondered if this applies.
I was able to run CCSM with DGVM from arbitrary initial conditions in the land component. I tried running CCSM3 with DGVM and an initial conditions files from CLM3.5-DGVM but got a "check_dim / mismatch dimensions" error.