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cloud water to strat. precip conversion rate


New Member
What is the output variable (name) corresponding to 'RATE1_CW2PR_ST'? This corresponds to the variable rate1ord_cw2pr_st(pcols,pver) [1st order rate for direct cw to precip conversion] in the microphysics part [cldwat2m_micro.F90.html#MMICRO_PCOND].


Jesse Nusbaumer
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Hi Jynt,

Can you tell us which version of the model you are using? I suspect you will need to modify the source code in order to output this field to the history files, but I can't say for sure until I know the particular model version.

Thanks, and have a great day!



New Member
Hi Jesse,
I also noticed it appearing in version 2.1 too (in components/cam/src/physics/cam/micro_mg1_0.F90)


Jesse Nusbaumer
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Hi Jynt,

Thanks for pointing me to the version you are using! It looks like you'll need to modify the source code in order to output that particular variable. This should be doable by adding two extra lines of code. The first is:

call addfld ('CW2PR_ST','kg/s ',pver, 'A','1st order rate for direct cw to precip conversion', phys_decomp)

which should be added to the ini_micro subroutine, similar to other addfld calls there. Please note that I am not 100% sure of the units, so it might be good to double-check them. Also I just made up the name "CW2PR_ST". Feel free to call it whatever you want, as long as it isn't too long.

The second line will be:

call outfld('CW2PR_ST', rate1ord_cw2pr_st, pcols, lchnk)

which should be added to the mmicro_pcond subroutine, similar to other outfld calls there. In this case, make sure that the outfld call is placed somewhere after rate1ord_cw2pr_st is calculated. Otherwise you'll get nothing but zeros.

Once that code has been added, then the last step should be to add the line:

fincl0 = 'CW2PR_ST'

to your "user_nl_cam" file, which should then tell the model to output the variable to your "h0" files.

Finally, if you are using the CESM2.1 code base instead, then the source code lines should still be the same, you'll just need to put them in that model's respective "init" and "tend" routines. Also please note that for CESM2.1 you'll likely need to place them in "micro_mg_cam.F90", as that way the code will still work with different versions of MG.

Anyways, I hope that helps, and if you run into problems please let me know.

Thanks, and have a great day!



New Member
Thanks Jesse for all the details. It surely resolves my query.
Have a nice day and a great weekend :)