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Configure CAM for Aqua Planet


I recently compiled CESM 1.0 on a single processor AMD 64 machine running Ubuntu with ifort and icc with the intention of running CAM 4.0 in standalone mode. In my attempts to validate this port following the procedure shown here: I am receiving the error:

CAM build-namelist - ERROR: CAM not configured for aquaplanet but user has set aqua_planet to TRUE in the namelist

when I try to build the namelist.

My configure and build namelist commands are as follows

$camcfg/configure -cam_bld $HOME/cesm1_0/validation/bld
-cc icc
-fc ifort
-phys cam4
-nc_inc $HOME/netcdf/include
-nc_lib $HOME/netcdf/lib
-dyn fv
-hgrid 1.9x2.5
-nospmd -nosmp -test -v

$camcfg/build-namelist -s -runtype startup -test -config $CCSMROOT/validation/bld/config_cache.xml
-namelist "&camexp stop_option='ndays', stop_n=2 nhtfrq=1 ndens=1
mfilt=97 hfilename_spec='' empty_htapes=.true.
fincl1='T:I','PS:I' aqua_planet=.true. /" > & ! namelist.out

Is there a flag that I am missing when I configure the CAM? You input would be most appreciated! Thanks!


CSEG and Liaisons
This is a change between CAM4 and CAM5 (which comes with CESM1.0). CAM5 uses a new component to produce the aquaplanet SST, and this is set at build time by adding the argument "-ocn aquaplanet" to your configure commandline.

Since it is now known at build time that aqua_planet mode is being used, it is possible for build-namelist to correctly set the aqua_planet namelist variable. So you could remove that from the variables in your build-namelist command, but as long as you specify it consistently with the arguments to configure then it does no harm to leave it specified as you have done.
Great! I thought I would be OK since I was running it with cam4 physics, but now I see that it needs CAM 5 flags (since it is CAM 5). thanks!