I am creating global 0.47*0.63 surface data following this example:
I successfully created .namelist and jobscript mksurfdata_jobscript_single.sh, but I cannot run the .sh.
How do I get global 0.5 or 0.25 degree surface data and mesh file?
Thank you.
I am creating global 0.47*0.63 surface data following this example:
lfu@dec1967:~/ctsm_MYBRANCH_/tools/mksurfdata_esmf> ./gen_mksurfdata_namelist --res 0.47x0.63 --start-year 2000 --end-year 2000
Successfully created input namelist file surfdata_0.47x0.63_hist_2000_78pfts_c250321.namelist
lfu@dec1967:~/ctsm_MYBRANCH_/tools/mksurfdata_esmf> ./gen_mksurfdata_jobscript_single \
> --number-of-nodes 24 \
> --tasks-per-node 12 \
> --namelist-file surfdata_0.47x0.63_hist_2000_78pfts_c250321.namelist
echo Successfully created jobscript mksurfdata_jobscript_single.sh
lfu@dec1967:~/ctsm_MYBRANCH_/tools/mksurfdata_esmf> qsub mksurfdata_jobscript_single.sh
qsub: request rejected as filter hook 'ompthreads' encountered an exception. Please inform Admin
I successfully created .namelist and jobscript mksurfdata_jobscript_single.sh, but I cannot run the .sh.
How do I get global 0.5 or 0.25 degree surface data and mesh file?
Thank you.