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Create global 0.47*0.63 surface data


Dylan Fu
New Member

I am creating global 0.47*0.63 surface data following this example:

lfu@dec1967:~/ctsm_MYBRANCH_/tools/mksurfdata_esmf> ./gen_mksurfdata_namelist --res 0.47x0.63 --start-year 2000 --end-year 2000
Successfully created input namelist file surfdata_0.47x0.63_hist_2000_78pfts_c250321.namelist
lfu@dec1967:~/ctsm_MYBRANCH_/tools/mksurfdata_esmf> ./gen_mksurfdata_jobscript_single \
> --number-of-nodes 24 \
> --tasks-per-node 12 \
> --namelist-file surfdata_0.47x0.63_hist_2000_78pfts_c250321.namelist
echo Successfully created jobscript
lfu@dec1967:~/ctsm_MYBRANCH_/tools/mksurfdata_esmf> qsub
qsub: request rejected as filter hook 'ompthreads' encountered an exception. Please inform Admin

I successfully created .namelist and jobscript, but I cannot run the .sh.

How do I get global 0.5 or 0.25 degree surface data and mesh file?

Thank you.


Staff member
@lfu I suspect that you are attempting this on a machine that we did not test, so I will move this thread to the "porting" forum.

Meanwhile, you could try other combinations of nodes versus tasks and possibly ask for guidance from an admin of the machine that you're on.