Hi Gustavo,
The file "gen_cice_gridfiles" cannot be downloaded from the notebook. When I click the "gen_cice_gridfiles.ncl" in the notebook, the webpage shows "Pages not found". Could you please provide an available link?
Hi Gustavo,
B.3: gen_cice_gridfiles.ncl
Note: Update the file paths following the begin keyword in the script accordingly.
; gen_cice_gridfiles.ncl
; Input/Output File Paths:
; ===================================================================
; Input Vertical Grid File:
in_vgridPath = "/glade/p/work/altuntas/mom.input/tx0.66v1/case_input_171220/INPUT/ocean_vgrid.nc"
; Input Topography File:
in_topoPath = "/glade/p/work/altuntas/mom.input/tx0.66v1/case_input_171220/INPUT/ocean_topog.nc"
; Input Horizontal Grid File:
in_superGridPath = "/glade/p/work/altuntas/mom.input/tx0.66v1/gen_grid_171220/tx0.66v1_grid.nc"
; Input Mask File:
in_maskPath = "/glade/p/work/altuntas/mom.input/tx0.66v1/gen_grid_171220/ocean_mask_edited.nc"
; Output Horizontal Grid File (binary):
out_hgridPath = "/glade/p/work/altuntas/mom.input/tx0.66v1/cice_input_171220/horiz_grid_20171220.ieeer8"
; Output Topography file (binary):
out_topoPath = "/glade/p/work/altuntas/mom.input/tx0.66v1/cice_input_171220/topography_20171220.ieeei4"
; ===================================================================
in_vgridFile = addfile(in_vgridPath,"r")
in_topoFile = addfile(in_topoPath,"r")
in_superGridFile = addfile(in_superGridPath,"r")
sizes = dimsizes(in_topoFile->depth)
ny = sizes(0)
nx = sizes(1)
vgridSizes = dimsizes(in_vgridFile->dz)
ndepth = vgridSizes(0)
depths = new(ndepth, double)
depths(0) = in_vgridFile->dz(0)
do k=1,ndepth-1
depths(k) = in_vgridFile->dz(k) + depths(k-1)
end do
; fill in kmt:
kmt = new((/ny,nx/), integer)
kmt = ndepth
kmt!0 = "ny"
kmt!1 = "nx"
in_maskFile = addfile(in_maskPath,"r")
msk = toint(in_maskFile->mask)
do j=0,ny-1
do i=0,nx-1
do k=0,ndepth-1
if (in_topoFile->depth(j,i) .lt. depths(k))
kmt(j,i) = k
if ( msk(j,i).lt.1 .and. kmt(j,i).gt.0 ) then
print(" "+j+" "+i+" "+in_topoFile->depth(j,i)+" "+depths(k)+" "+(k-1) )
end if
end if
end do
end do
end do
dtr = get_d2r("double")
PI = get_pi("double")
ulat = dtr * in_superGridFile->qlat(1:ny,1:nx)
ulon = dtr * in_superGridFile->qlon(1:ny,1:nx)
htn = (in_superGridFile->dxCv) * 100.0 ; convert to cm
hte = (in_superGridFile->dyCu) * 100.0 ; convert to cm
hus = (in_superGridFile->dxCu) * 100.0 ; convert to cm
huw = (in_superGridFile->dyCv) * 100.0 ; convert to cm
angle = dtr * (in_superGridFile->angle)
print(" "+max(htn)+" "+min(htn))
print(" "+max(hte)+" "+min(hte))
; write the topography file
system("/bin/rm -f " + out_topoPath)
fbindirwrite(out_topoPath, (kmt))
; write the horizontal grid file
system("/bin/rm -f " + out_hgridPath)
fbindirwrite(out_hgridPath, (ulat))
fbindirwrite(out_hgridPath, (ulon))
fbindirwrite(out_hgridPath, (htn))
fbindirwrite(out_hgridPath, (hte))
fbindirwrite(out_hgridPath, (hus))
fbindirwrite(out_hgridPath, (huw))
fbindirwrite(out_hgridPath, (angle))
dec1767.hsn.de.hpc.ucar.edu 25: ERROR: CICE n, mesh_lon , lon, diff_lon = 1 215.9300000000000 -64.1917550934441 -0.79878D+02
dec1767.hsn.de.hpc.ucar.edu 25:
dec1767.hsn.de.hpc.ucar.edu 25: (abort_ice)ABORTED:
dec1767.hsn.de.hpc.ucar.edu 25: (abort_ice) called from ice_mesh_mod.F90
dec1767.hsn.de.hpc.ucar.edu 25: (abort_ice) line number 647
dec1767.hsn.de.hpc.ucar.edu 25: (abort_ice) error = ice_mesh_check:
dec1767.hsn.de.hpc.ucar.edu 25: ERROR: (abort_ice) ice_mesh_check:
This occurs while running with cesm2_3_alpha17a (I had previously had success using a different custom CICE+MOM6 grids using cesm2_3_beta14). Any ideas where I'm going wrong (or if changes are needed to how custom CICE grids are generated)?(ice_comp_nuopc):(InitializeAdvertise)WARNING: tfrz_option from driver linear_s
alt is overwriting tfrz_option from cice namelist mushy
(ice_comp_nuopc):(InitializeAdvertise)WARNING: atmiter_ from driver 0.10000D-
01 is overwritting atmiter_conv from cice namelist 0.00000D+00
mesh file for cice domain is
mask file for cice domain is
(ice_read_xyt) read_global 98 1 503316480.000000
503316480.000000 5033164800000.00
(ice_read_global) read_global 99 1 -1.777781880591592E+306
8.515146846555257E+294 -1.777781880583230E+308
(ice_read_global) read_global 99 2 -2.893653090372116E+301
1.180408341142792E+308 Infinity
(ice_read_global) read_global 99 7 0.000000000000000E+000
0.000000000000000E+000 0.000000000000000E+000
(ice_read_global) read_global 99 3 -2.708864630005210E+299
1.221661105937845E+300 9.324806461428189E+301
(ice_read_global) read_global 99 4 -6.106018129814693E-257
2.422516750935218E+270 7.752053602992255E+273
min/max ULON: -1.657941094533100E+303 Infinity
min/max ULAT: -1.018593986527287E+308 4.878819762417483E+296
min/max TLON: -180.000000000000 180.000000000000
min/max TLAT: -89.7889613300025 89.9514162758023
min/max NLON: -180.000000000000 180.000000000000
min/max NLAT: -89.9467305341177 89.8260581488775
min/max ELON: -180.000000000000 180.000000000000
min/max ELAT: -80.8717325355776 87.8815721249592
(abort_ice) called from ice_mesh_mod.F90
(abort_ice) line number 647
(abort_ice) error = ice_mesh_check:
ERROR: (abort_ice) ice_mesh_check: