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creating monthly restart files during a longer run


I am running a G_NORMAL_YEAR compset.

The issue that I am having is that I would like to run in 3 month chunks, but, have monthly restarts written so that
if the job fails I only lose the current month.

Here is how I have set up my env_run.xml:


by setting REST_N value="1", I thought this would cause 1 month restarts to be written, but it just writes the restart files at the end of the run every 3 months. The main docs suggest writing restarts at the end of the run is the "normal" mode for production runs, but is it forced? Or am I missing something obvious, and this should be set somewhere else.




Cecile Hannay
AMWG Liaison
Staff member
The model writes restart files at the frequency set by $REST_OPTION and $REST_N.
If you save restarts at higher frequency than the run length, the model writes intermediate restart files (in your case every month) but it keeps only the last restart files. (This allows to restart the run from the last restart - for instance if the computer goes down)
If you want to save the intermediate restart files you should set: DOUT_S_SAVE_INT_REST_FILES to TRUE.