Hello, everyone. I been confused with the DATM setting we have been used in the hist or 1850 or 2000 compsets. The question is: does datm stream file will automatic align with the option of "RUN_STARDATE"? For example, if I set the RUN STARDATE = 2001, but the stream didn't change, then what stream I will use? BTW, I found the stream setting in datm_in was xxx.stream.txt. xxx 1 1901 1920 or 1850 1901 1920. I know the "1 1901 1920" were the align year, first year, and last year respectively. But what's the meaning of 1850?
I tried to correct the stream to match the RUN_startdate and STOP_N, but the case would like to call "unexpercted end-of-file". Here are the details of the case.
"(t_initf) Read in prof_inparm namelist from: drv_in
(t_initf) Using profile_disable= F
(t_initf) profile_timer= 4
(t_initf) profile_depth_limit= 4
(t_initf) profile_detail_limit= 2
(t_initf) profile_barrier= F
(t_initf) profile_outpe_num= 1
(t_initf) profile_outpe_stride= 0
(t_initf) profile_single_file= F
(t_initf) profile_global_stats= T
(t_initf) profile_ovhd_measurement= F
(t_initf) profile_add_detail= F
(t_initf) profile_papi_enable= F
ERROR: (shr_stream_init) ERROR: unexpected end-of-file "
streams = "user_datm.streams.txt.CLMGSWP3v1.Solar 2001 2001 2010",
"user_datm.streams.txt.CLMGSWP3v1.Precip 2001 2001 2010",
"user_datm.streams.txt.CLMGSWP3v1.TPQW 2001 2001 2010",
"datm.streams.txt.presaero.clim_1850 2001 2001 2010",
"datm.streams.txt.topo.observed 1 1 1"
decomp = "1d"
factorfn = "null"
force_prognostic_true = .false.
iradsw = 1
presaero = .true.
restfilm = "undefined"
restfils = "undefined"
wiso_datm = .false.
datamode = "CLMNCEP"
domainfile = "/data4/home/dpeng/CESM/cesm2.1.3/inputdata/share/domains/domain.lnd.fv0.9x1.25_gx1v7.151020.nc"
dtlimit = 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5
fillalgo = "nn", "nn", "nn", "nn", "nn"
fillmask = "nomask", "nomask", "nomask", "nomask", "nomask"
fillread = "NOT_SET", "NOT_SET", "NOT_SET", "NOT_SET", "NOT_SET"
fillwrite = "NOT_SET", "NOT_SET", "NOT_SET", "NOT_SET", "NOT_SET"
mapalgo = "bilinear", "bilinear", "bilinear", "bilinear", "bilinear"
mapmask = "nomask", "nomask", "nomask", "nomask", "nomask"
mapread = "NOT_SET", "NOT_SET", "NOT_SET", "NOT_SET", "NOT_SET"
mapwrite = "NOT_SET", "NOT_SET", "NOT_SET", "NOT_SET", "NOT_SET"
readmode = "single", "single", "single", "single", "single"
streams = "user_datm.streams.txt.CLMGSWP3v1.Solar 2001 2001 2010",
"user_datm.streams.txt.CLMGSWP3v1.Precip 2001 2001 2010",
"user_datm.streams.txt.CLMGSWP3v1.TPQW 2001 2001 2010",
"datm.streams.txt.presaero.clim_1850 2001 2001 2010",
"datm.streams.txt.topo.observed 1 1 1"
taxmode = "cycle", "cycle", "cycle", "cycle", "cycle"
tintalgo = "coszen", "nearest", "linear", "linear", "lower"
vectors = "null"
The user_stream_list only change the file list, such as
"<?xml version="1.0"?>
<file id="stream" version="1.0">
time time
xc lon
yc lat
area area
mask mask
PRECTmms precn
The files from 2001-01 to 2010-12 were matched as the default format, but I collapsed it here.
Thanks for reading.
I tried to correct the stream to match the RUN_startdate and STOP_N, but the case would like to call "unexpercted end-of-file". Here are the details of the case.
"(t_initf) Read in prof_inparm namelist from: drv_in
(t_initf) Using profile_disable= F
(t_initf) profile_timer= 4
(t_initf) profile_depth_limit= 4
(t_initf) profile_detail_limit= 2
(t_initf) profile_barrier= F
(t_initf) profile_outpe_num= 1
(t_initf) profile_outpe_stride= 0
(t_initf) profile_single_file= F
(t_initf) profile_global_stats= T
(t_initf) profile_ovhd_measurement= F
(t_initf) profile_add_detail= F
(t_initf) profile_papi_enable= F
ERROR: (shr_stream_init) ERROR: unexpected end-of-file "
streams = "user_datm.streams.txt.CLMGSWP3v1.Solar 2001 2001 2010",
"user_datm.streams.txt.CLMGSWP3v1.Precip 2001 2001 2010",
"user_datm.streams.txt.CLMGSWP3v1.TPQW 2001 2001 2010",
"datm.streams.txt.presaero.clim_1850 2001 2001 2010",
"datm.streams.txt.topo.observed 1 1 1"
decomp = "1d"
factorfn = "null"
force_prognostic_true = .false.
iradsw = 1
presaero = .true.
restfilm = "undefined"
restfils = "undefined"
wiso_datm = .false.
datamode = "CLMNCEP"
domainfile = "/data4/home/dpeng/CESM/cesm2.1.3/inputdata/share/domains/domain.lnd.fv0.9x1.25_gx1v7.151020.nc"
dtlimit = 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5, 1.5
fillalgo = "nn", "nn", "nn", "nn", "nn"
fillmask = "nomask", "nomask", "nomask", "nomask", "nomask"
fillread = "NOT_SET", "NOT_SET", "NOT_SET", "NOT_SET", "NOT_SET"
fillwrite = "NOT_SET", "NOT_SET", "NOT_SET", "NOT_SET", "NOT_SET"
mapalgo = "bilinear", "bilinear", "bilinear", "bilinear", "bilinear"
mapmask = "nomask", "nomask", "nomask", "nomask", "nomask"
mapread = "NOT_SET", "NOT_SET", "NOT_SET", "NOT_SET", "NOT_SET"
mapwrite = "NOT_SET", "NOT_SET", "NOT_SET", "NOT_SET", "NOT_SET"
readmode = "single", "single", "single", "single", "single"
streams = "user_datm.streams.txt.CLMGSWP3v1.Solar 2001 2001 2010",
"user_datm.streams.txt.CLMGSWP3v1.Precip 2001 2001 2010",
"user_datm.streams.txt.CLMGSWP3v1.TPQW 2001 2001 2010",
"datm.streams.txt.presaero.clim_1850 2001 2001 2010",
"datm.streams.txt.topo.observed 1 1 1"
taxmode = "cycle", "cycle", "cycle", "cycle", "cycle"
tintalgo = "coszen", "nearest", "linear", "linear", "lower"
vectors = "null"
The user_stream_list only change the file list, such as
"<?xml version="1.0"?>
<file id="stream" version="1.0">
time time
xc lon
yc lat
area area
mask mask
PRECTmms precn
The files from 2001-01 to 2010-12 were matched as the default format, but I collapsed it here.
Thanks for reading.