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ERROR: calendar dates must be increasing, user added atmospheric forcing

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Hi All,

I was able to successfully complete about 4 years of a single point case using CLM-FATES with my own 1-HR WRF climate forcing dataset.

However, when the model attempted to from 1992-01-31 to 1992-02-01 I received this error:

> cat /glade/scratch/katiem/junk_ID_WRF_10yr_test003_1pt_e33b4658_7c065e21/run/

(shr_dmodel_readstrm) file ub: /glade/work/katiem/FATES_data/ID/singlept/WRF/TPQWL/ 744 (datm_comp_run) atm: model date 19920131 81000s (datm_comp_run) atm: model date 19920131 82800s (shr_stream_verifyTCoord) ERROR: calendar dates must be increasing (shr_stream_verifyTCoord) date(n), date(n+1) = 19920131 19920101 ERROR: (shr_stream_verifyTCoord) ERROR: calendar dates must be increasing...

I've checked the files and

but I did not find any issues with the dates or times. Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

As a note the time:calendar = "proleptic_gregorian" within these .nc files.


machine = Cheyenne
clm release = release-clm5.0.30-79-ge33b4658
externals =
clean sandbox, on cime5.6.28
clean sandbox, on cism-release-cesm2.1.2_01
clean sandbox, on release-cism2.1.03
clean sandbox, on release-cesm2.0.04
clean sandbox, on release-cesm2.0.04
clean sandbox, on sci.1.36.0_api.11.2.0
clean sandbox, on PTCLM2_20200121


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
One possibility is that the forcing is not lining up properly because you have "proleptic_gregorian" encoded within your forcing files, but your "CALENDAR" in env_build.xml is set to "NO_LEAP". Try setting this to "GREGORIAN", clean the build, re-build, and re-start your simulation from the beginning.
Hi Keith,

That didn't solve the problem. The case still failed moving from Jan 1992 to Feb 1992. I created another test case.

case file path:

bld/run path:

hist path:

I'll have a deeper dive into the atmospheric forcing data files I created. Maybe there is a mix up with the times somewhere. Thanks again for your help.



Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Ok, I see a problem. There is a duplicated file in your solar streams:
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