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Yuanyuan HUANG
New Member

I would like to run unsupported SOM with sea ice. All things I changed in the model are as follows:

Compset (unsupported): 2000_CAM60_SLND_CICE_DOCN%SOM_SROF_SGLC_SWAV
Grid: f19_g16

avgflag_pertape = 'A','A'
fexcl1 = ''
mfilt = 12,365
nhtfrq = 0,-24

kdyn = 1
kitd = 1
ktherm = 2
ice_ic = '.../my_cesm_sandbox/cesm_input_datasets/ice/cice/'
grid_file = '.../my_cesm_sandbox/cesm_input_datasets/ocn/pop/gx1v6/grid/horiz_grid_20010402.ieeer8'
kmt_file = '.../huangyy/my_cesm_sandbox/cesm_input_datasets/ocn/pop/gx1v6/grid/topography_20090204.ieeei4'
grid_format = 'bin'
grid_type = 'displaced_pole'

<entry id="DOCN_SOM_FILENAME" value="">

I can setup, build, and submit the case successfully. The outputs included the CAM history files (within a month) and log files of all components, which seemed to run normally. After it ran for a while, it stopped. The error in CESM.log file is as follows:

35: forrtl: severe (174): SIGSEGV, segmentation fault occurred
35: Image PC Routine Line Source
35: cesm.exe 0000000001C80D4C Unknown Unknown Unknown
35: libpthread-2.17.s 00002B203DF1F370 Unknown Unknown Unknown
35: cesm.exe 000000000144B03F tp_core_mp_xtpv_ 457 tp_core.F90
35: cesm.exe 0000000001446F42 tp_core_mp_tp2d_ 228 tp_core.F90
35: cesm.exe 000000000144664F tp_core_mp_tp2c_ 119 tp_core.F90
35: cesm.exe 0000000001435C02 sw_core_mp_d_sw_ 856 sw_core.F90
35: cesm.exe 00000000010551FB cd_core_ 1254 cd_core.F90
35: cesm.exe 00000000005833AE dyn_comp_mp_dyn_r 1870 dyn_comp.F90
35: cesm.exe 0000000000EA3132 stepon_mp_stepon_ 315 stepon.F90
35: cesm.exe 00000000005000A8 cam_comp_mp_cam_r 244 cam_comp.F90
35: cesm.exe 00000000004F5337 atm_comp_mct_mp_a 521 atm_comp_mct.F90
35: cesm.exe 000000000043944A component_mod_mp_ 737 component_mod.F90
35: cesm.exe 000000000041D0CA cime_comp_mod_mp_ 2823 cime_comp_mod.F90
35: cesm.exe 00000000004390DD MAIN__ 133 cime_driver.F90
35: cesm.exe 000000000041A7DE Unknown Unknown Unknown
35: 00002B203E14DB35 __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
35: cesm.exe 000000000041A6E9 Unknown Unknown Unknown

I browsed the Forum and found a solution. So I added some changes in the CAM user_nl_cam:

dtime = 1200
fv_nspltvrm = 4
fv_nsplit = 16
fv_nspltrac = 4

This time, it could run longer (over a month) and have a sea ice history file. But it still stopped finally with these errors:

20: Vertical integral of xm is zero;mfl will remove spike at top of domain,
20: but it will not conserve xm.
23: Lagrangian levels are crossing 9.999999999999999E-012
23: Run will ABORT!
23: Suggest to increase NSPLTVRM
23: ERROR: te_map: Lagrangian levels are crossing
23: Image PC Routine Line Source
23: cesm.exe 0000000001C766CA Unknown Unknown Unknown
23: cesm.exe 00000000019D802D shr_abort_mod_mp_ 114 shr_abort_mod.F90
23: cesm.exe 00000000019D80DA shr_abort_mod_mp_ 61 shr_abort_mod.F90
23: cesm.exe 0000000000EE3C66 te_map_mod_mp_te_ 517 te_map.F90
23: cesm.exe 0000000000589B65 dyn_comp_mp_dyn_r 2643 dyn_comp.F90
23: cesm.exe 0000000000EA3132 stepon_mp_stepon_ 315 stepon.F90
23: cesm.exe 00000000005000A8 cam_comp_mp_cam_r 244 cam_comp.F90
23: cesm.exe 00000000004F5337 atm_comp_mct_mp_a 521 atm_comp_mct.F90
23: cesm.exe 000000000043944A component_mod_mp_ 737 component_mod.F90
23: cesm.exe 000000000041D0CA cime_comp_mod_mp_ 2823 cime_comp_mod.F90
23: cesm.exe 00000000004390DD MAIN__ 133 cime_driver.F90
23: cesm.exe 000000000041A7DE Unknown Unknown Unknown
23: 00002AF0E3AFCB35 __libc_start_main Unknown Unknown
23: cesm.exe 000000000041A6E9 Unknown Unknown Unknown

The log files are packaged in the attachment. I have no idea to solve these problems. Actually, I have met these problems when I tried the f09_g16 grid and the thermo_only sea ice cases. Does anyone know the solution? Any suggestions are appreciated.

Thank you so much!

Best regards,



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Courtney Peverley
Staff member
Are you getting this part of the error that the user above cited:
23: Suggest to increase NSPLTVRM
If so, I would recommend increasing that value by modifying "fv_nspltvrm" via your user_nl_cam. (you can see what the value currently is by looking at "run/atm_in".

If this is not the error you are getting, can you elaborate on your error?
