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ERROR: ice remap transport: conservation error

yongsheng zheng

Yongsheng zheng
Hi everyone,

I used CESM1.2.2 to run a fully coupled deep time simulation of B1850 with a time background of 180Ma. I successfully ran a total of one simulation year in both the first and second submission, and in the third submission trial run of 99 years, the following problem occurred. What caused it?

istep1: 253896 idate: 160629 sec: 43200

area*tracer conserv error
tracer index = 23
Initial global area*tracer = 5.821684587226293E-011
Final global area*tracer = 5.821684587120414E-011
Fractional error = 1.818702418868643E-011
atsum_final-atsum_init = -1.058791184067875E-021
istep1, cat = 253896 5
transport: conservation error, cat 5
(shr_sys_abort) ERROR: ice remap transport: conservation error
(shr_sys_abort) WARNING: calling shr_mpi_abort() and stopping