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Error In Building SPCAM-CESM cam.buildlib failed


New Member
I have unsuccessfully tried to compile SPCAM-CESM version 2.2.3, with some of my own modifications, after transferring all the code from another machine, where it all built fine.
The error message is this:

home/sachB/SOURCE/CESM2/CESM-SB/CESM-CODE-NEW/my_cesm_sandbox/components/cam/src/dynamics/fv/advect_tend.F90(25): error #7002: Error in opening the compiled module file. Check INCLUDE paths. [DYNAMICS_VARS]

The compiler we use is ifort, mpicc, mpifort. The version of ifort is from 2021 (2021.4.0).

After transferring the model onto the new machine in the form of a tar-file. the first thing I did was to include the new absolute path in the configure_compiler.xml and configure_machine.xml files in the cime directory. I then did clean command in the created case: ./ --clean-all

To try to fix this myself, I have tried to compile the module manually (ifort -c ..). The code is there but not the executable. But the module code (dynamics_vars.F90) will not compile, with similar error messages, since it too requires compiled modules that have not been compiled.

The bizarre thing is that all the code compiled fine on the previous machine and I cannot see any difference in linux enviornment (same netcdf version, same compilers etc). The problem only materialises when transferred to the new machine.

I would be grateful if you would tell me how to proceed. Is the problem that I did too hard a clean ? Or is there some other place where I need to specify the path ?

Yours sincerely
Sachin Budakoti,
Postdoctoral Researcher,
Department of Physical Geography and Ecosystem Science,
Lund University, Lund, Sweden