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ERROR initInterp set_mindist: Cannot find any input points matching output poin

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Li Ming

Li Ming
I want to use release-clm5.0.35 complete the spin up process on my own research area, but I encountered an error in the final spin up process, here are the details of my process.
First I executed . / program which lodated in /gpfs/gpfs_fs/home/lmw/clm5new/tools/ncl_scripts/ to finish cropping the study area, the result is and,
Then I created the case48 and modified the domain and surface in the lnd_in and datm_in under /gpfs/gpfs_fs/home/lmw/cesm/scratch/test48/run, so that only the study area can be spin up.

./create_newcase --case test48 --res f09_g16 --compset 1850_DATM%GSWP3v1_CLM50%BGC_SICE_SOCN_SROF_SGLC_SWAV --compiler intel --mach myintel --run-unsupported
cd test 48
./xmlchange DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_START=1969
./xmlchange DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_END=1969
./xmlchange CLM_FORCE_COLDSTART=on
./xmlchange STOP_N=600
./xmlchange STOP_OPTION=nyears

cd /gpfs/gpfs_fs/home/lmw/cesm/scratch/test48/run
vim lnd_in

fatmlndfrc = '/gpfs/gpfs_fs/home/lmw/cesm/inputdata/wodewenjian/'
fsurdat = '/gpfs/gpfs_fs/home/lmw/cesm/inputdata/wodewenjian/'

vim datm_in
domainfile = "/gpfs/gpfs_fs/home/lmw/cesm/inputdata/wodewenjian/"

then run test48

Test48 completed the 600 year AD_spin up process in the specified study area, and then I wanted to complete the final spin up in that area, according to the official documentation I copied the r file and the rpointer file

./create_newcase --case test54 --res f09_g16 --compset 1850_DATM%GSWP3v1_CLM50%BGC_SICE_SOCN_SROF_SGLC_SWAV --compiler intel --mach myintel --run-unsupported
cd test54
cp /gpfs/gpfs_fs/home/lmw/cesm/scratch/test48/run/ /gpfs/gpfs_fs/home/lmw/clm5new/cime/scripts/test54
cp /gpfs/gpfs_fs/home/lmw/cesm/scratch/test48/run/rpointer.atm rpointer.drv /gpfs/gpfs_fs/home/lmw/clm5new/cime/scripts/test54
./xmlchange DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_START=1965
./xmlchange DATM_CLMNCEP_YR_END=1969
./xmlchange STOP_N=200
./xmlchange STOP_OPTION=nyears
echo "finidat = '/gpfs/gpfs_fs/home/lmw/clm5new/cime/scripts/test54/' " >> ./user_nl_clm

cd /gpfs/gpfs_fs/home/lmw/cesm/scratch/test54/run
vim lnd_in

fatmlndfrc = '/gpfs/gpfs_fs/home/lmw/cesm/inputdata/wodewenjian/'
fsurdat = '/gpfs/gpfs_fs/home/lmw/cesm/inputdata/wodewenjian/'

vim datm_in
domainfile = "/gpfs/gpfs_fs/home/lmw/cesm/inputdata/wodewenjian/"

then run test53, but the error:

vim cesm.log.4274.230223-192214

check_dim ERROR: mismatch of input dimension 468 with expected value
20975 for variable gridcell
Did you mean to set use_init_interp = .true. in user_nl_clm?
(Setting use_init_interp = .true. is needed when doing a
transient run using an initial conditions file from a non-transient run,
or a non-transient run using an initial conditions file from a transient run,
or when running a resolution or configuration that differs from the initial conditions.)
check_dim ERROR: mismatch of input dimension 468 with expected value
20975 for variable gridcell

when I set the use_init_interp = .true. in user_nl_clm, the another error occured

vim cesm.log.4275.230223-195019

ERROR initInterp set_mindist: Cannot find any input points matching output poin
subgrid level, index = pft 153031
lat, lon = -1.15959309988524 , 2.05076187109334
ltype: 6
ctype: 6
ptype: 0

Consider rerunning with the following in user_nl_clm:
init_interp_fill_missing_with_natveg = .true.
However, note that this will fill all missing types in the output
with the closest natural veg column in the input
(using bare soil for patch-level variables).
So, you should consider whether that is what you want.

maybe the reason is I can't use the r file generated by AD_spin up after specifying the study area, such as, how can I set it to solve this problem?

Thanks in advance.


  • test48.png
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  • cesm.log.4274.230223-192214.txt
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  • cesm.log.4275.230223-195019.txt
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  • test54-user_nl_clm.txt
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  • test54-env_run.xml.txt
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Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
I think that part of the problem is that you should not be modifying files such as lnd_in and datm_in in your run directory, you should be modifying user_nl_clm and user_nl_datm in your case directory. When you submit the model those files in the run directory may be being overwritten.

Li Ming

Li Ming
Hello Oleson,

Thank you for your reply, I modified ATM_DOMAIN_FILE; ATM_DOMAIN_PATH and LND_DOMAIN_FILE; LND_DOMAIN_PATH in env_run and the model works fine. As per your suggestion I have completed the AD_spin up and final spin up using 1850 compset, and successfully simulated the GPP and NPP for specific regions from 1970-2014 using the 1850 compset generated initial files and "HIST" compset. Now I want to set up several control experiments to study the effect of different atmosphere forcing factors on GPP, e.g. (i) change the temperature to the average value for 1970-2014, and precipitation, radiation, and CO2 to follow the interannual variation (ii) change CO2 to a constant value, and keep the interannual variation of temperature, precipitation, and radiation. What do I need to do in the CLM model to change the input atmosphere forcing factors and CO2 values to multi-year averages? I am using release-clm5.0.35.

Thanks in advance.


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
To change CO2 to a constant value, and starting from a historical compset, you could try:

./xmlchange CCSM_BGC=none
./xmlchange DATM_CO2_TSERIES=none
./xmlchange CLM_CO2_TYPE=constant

and then use xmlchange to set CCSM_CO2_PPMV to the CO2 level you want.

To change the forcing temperature, you'd need to create your own atmospheric forcing files. For example, if you are using the default GSWP3V1 forcing, you'd need to change the variable TBOT in the forcing files. You can find out what forcing files you are using by looking at CaseDocs/datm.streams.txt.CLMGSWP3v1.TPQW in your case directory.


To change CO2 to a constant value, and starting from a historical compset, you could try:

./xmlchange CCSM_BGC=none
./xmlchange DATM_CO2_TSERIES=none
./xmlchange CLM_CO2_TYPE=constant

and then use xmlchange to set CCSM_CO2_PPMV to the CO2 level you want.

To change the forcing temperature, you'd need to create your own atmospheric forcing files. For example, if you are using the default GSWP3V1 forcing, you'd need to change the variable TBOT in the forcing files. You can find out what forcing files you are using by looking at CaseDocs/datm.streams.txt.CLMGSWP3v1.TPQW in your case directory.
Dear Mr.Oleson, I am running two FHIST_BGC cases to study the impact of LULCC on radiative forcing of GHGs, without considering the feedback. This needs GHGs to be sent from the land to the atmosphere, and not from the atmosphere to the land.

The default CCSM_BGC = CO2A, it says "adds prognostic CO2 and diagnostic CO2 at the lowest model level to be sent from the atmosphere to the land...". I set CCSM_BGC = CO2B, in this way, the atmosphere will get CO2 from land emmissions.But this two-way exchange will also affects CO2 of land. How can I set to achieve one-way transmission from the land to the atmosphere?

The second confusion is that FHIST_BGC output files h0 do not have chemical constitution fields (O3,CH4,CO2,BC,SOA...), either in terms of their concentration or emission. I checked the CAM's "master field list" and it seems these fields are not present. Should I use CAM-chem related composet ?


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Looking into this further, I don't see a way to do that using xml variables. I think you would have to set CCSM_BGC=CO2B and then modify the code so that the CO2 coming from the atmosphere to the coupler to the land is overwritten with the constant value of CO2 that you want the land to see.
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