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"ERROR: PROJECT_REQUIRED is true but no project found" when excute run_neon


Shuyue Li
New Member
I'm using the latest version of CESM and running a neon case. Under "~/ctsm/tools/site_and_regional/" directory I tried to excute a command "./run_neon --neon-sites JORN --output-root /glade/derecho/scratch/$USER/neon_cases" but got an error "PROJECT_REQUIRED is true but no project found".

Btw, I found a similar thread posted several years ago and that issue was solved by specifying "--project PROJECT". So I tried to add "--project xxxxx" at the end of the command above, but the error still exist: "error: unrecognized arguments: --project xxxxx".
Can anyone give some advice? Many thanks.


Jesse Nusbaumer
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Hi Shuyue,

I have moved this post to the CTSM forum, as they will be the group that is most likely able to solve your issue.

Hope that helps, and have a great day!



Erik Kluzek
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Thanks for asking. This is something we need to think about in CTSM.

--project is NOT an option to run_neon. It is an option inside of each case that run_neon sets up and can be set in the XML variable in the cases (i.e. ./xmlchange PROJECT=P93300606).

You can also set your default project by creating a file in your $HOME directory called ".cesm_proj" and it will use that project account key when that file exists. So for example for me the file:


shows the single line:

@slevis @oleson @wwieder


Will Wieder
Shuyue, I wonder if you close and reopen your terminal window if your code will pickup the .cesm_proj file you've created?


Shuyue Li
New Member
I recreate a .cesm_proj file again, close and reopen the terminal window, and now it is running! Basically the same procedure I did yesterday, but it works today, not sure why. Thank you so much for all your replies.


Will Wieder
Good news!

One more question, if you do a git describe what version of CTSM are you using?

I was unable to run with the latest tag (ctsm5.3.021), for reasons I don't yet understand...