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ERROR: (shr_ncread_domain) ERROR var does not exist frac

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Ru Xu
Hi, all,

I run a single-point simulation (under clm5.0) with the surface/domain data created from CTSM5.3 with ./subset-data tools.

the cdo showname of created domin file, says
xc yc xv yv mask area lon lat (no frac here)

When I submit the case, the atm.log report the

(shr_strdata_init) maskName = 1 mask
(shr_strdata_init) areaName = 1 area
(shr_strdata_init) stream 2
(shr_strdata_init) filePath = 2 /work/n02/n02/ruxu/cesm/CESM/cesm_inputdata/my_data/atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart_aero/aero/
(shr_strdata_init) fileName = 2 /work/n02/n02/ruxu/cesm/CESM/cesm_inputdata/my_data/atm/cam/chem/trop_mozart_aero/aero/
(shr_strdata_init) timeName = 2 time
(shr_strdata_init) lonName = 2 lon
(shr_strdata_init) latName = 2 lat
(shr_strdata_init) hgtName = 2 unknownname
(shr_strdata_init) maskName = 2 mask
(shr_strdata_init) areaName = 2 area
(shr_strdata_init) stream 3
(shr_strdata_init) filePath = 3 /work/n02/n02/ruxu/cesm/CESM/cesm_inputdata/my_data/atm/datm7/topo_forcing/
(shr_strdata_init) fileName = 3 /work/n02/n02/ruxu/cesm/CESM/cesm_inputdata/my_data/atm/datm7/topo_forcing/
(shr_strdata_init) timeName = 3 time
(shr_strdata_init) lonName = 3 LONGXY
(shr_strdata_init) latName = 3 LATIXY
(shr_strdata_init) hgtName = 3 unknownname
(shr_strdata_init) maskName = 3 mask
(shr_strdata_init) areaName = 3 area
ERROR: (shr_ncread_domain) ERROR var does not exist frac
"atm.log.8268480.241209-134551" 47L, 2805B

Do you know is the error from the domainfile or
I have attached log file and d*in file for your reference.



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Staff member
Knowing that you changed the domain file and NOT the topo file, I will guess that the error is due to the domain file.
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