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error when I use my own meteorological reanalysis files


Toni Viudez

I am trying to use another meteorological data to be used in the compset FCnudged.

Instead of using MERRA-2 or GEOS5, I am using GEOS-IT, which previously I re-grided to to the spatial and vertical resolution to be used in the nudge (0.9x1.25 and 32 levels).
I found that there was some NCL code to generate new meteorological data, but I had problems to use NCL and also NCAR is not offering more help on that language.
Therefore, I decided to write my own Python code.

Once I prepared the files and I run one test case, I got an error in the end_export and the error also says that one or more of the output from CLM to the couple are NaN.
Enclosed it is the cesm.log file for this particular case and at the end the error I mentioned above.
There are also some lines where shows a problem with something called imp_sol,ex:

imp_sol: time step    1800.000     failed to converge @ (lchnk,vctrpos,nstep) =     1040     261       4

Is there a way to resolve this error and be able to use my new reanalysis data?

Thanks in advance


  • cesm.log.230821-112508.txt
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