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Error while running case.submit-- mpiexec does not support recursive calls


Aatreyee Nath
Hello everyone,
I was recently able to port CESM using an example for the compset QPC4. Currently, I was working on another example for the compset I1850Clm50Sp and I had run the following
./create_newcase --case ~/clm_tutorial_cases/I1850CLM50_004 --res f19_g17 --compset I1850Clm50Sp --machine ubuntuvmfed

The model build had finished successfully and all the missing data was also downloaded. But after running ./case.submit, I am getting the following in the log


mpiexec does not support recursive calls



mpiexec does not support recursive calls

[ubuntuvmfed:15606] PMIX ERROR: ERROR in file ../../../../../../src/mca/common/dstore/dstore_base.c at line 1709
[ubuntuvmfed:15610] PMIX ERROR: ERROR in file ../../../../../../src/mca/common/dstore/dstore_base.c at line 1709
[ubuntuvmfed:15606] PMIX ERROR: ERROR in file ../../../../../../src/mca/common/dstore/dstore_base.c at line 1709
[ubuntuvmfed:15610] PMIX ERROR: ERROR in file ../../../../../../src/mca/common/dstore/dstore_base.c at line 1709

What might be wrong here? I have been using OpenMPI. And I did not come across this error when I was running the other compset QPC4. Could this be an error with OpenMPI installation or does it mean that I have to run this only in an HPC cluster?
The details of my system
Ubuntu 22.04​
OpenMPI 4.1.2​
gcc 11​
zlib 1.2.13​
hdf5 1_10_5​
netcdf-c 4.9.0​
netcdf-fortran 4.6.0​
pnetcdf 1.12.3​
lapack and blas 3..9.0​

Any suggestions would be appreciated.


CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
This is not an error that I recognize - you might check to see if the number of tasks in your I case
is the same as the number of tasks in your QPC4 case. You might also run the command
./preview_run in both cases and compare the results.