I ported cesm 2.2.2 to our school's HPC and I use . /create_newcase --case /public/home/stu-sfu/hwy/cesm/cases/waccmx --compset FX2000 --res f19_f19 --mach intel Created a case, it went fine in the setup, and build phases, but in the . /case.submit, the following error occurs.
ERROR: Command: '/usr/bin/xmllint --xinclude --noout --schema /public/home/stu-sfu/hwy/cesm/cesm2.2.2/cime/config/xml_schemas/env_entry_ id.xsd /public/home/stu-sfu/hwy/cesm/cases/waccmx/env_case.xml' failed with error '' from dir '/public/home/stu-sfu/hwy/cesm/cases/waccmx'
I've encountered a similar error before, editing the xml has syntax errors associated with it, but in this env_case.xml I didn't edit or modify it, I just changed the start time in env_run.xml and set env_batch, then used the
. /case.submit --job case.run --batch-args “-l nodes=2:ppn=24” --job-name waccmx2 command to submit,
and it ran with an xml validation error, which is very strange to me because when I validated the file using xmllint alone, it was also normal, e.g.
/usr/bin/xmllint --xinclude --noout --schema /public/home/stu-sfu/hwy/cesm/cesm2.2.2/cime/config/xml_schemas/env_entry_id.xsd / public/home/stu-sfu/hwy/cesm/cases/waccmx/env_case.xml
/public/home/stu-sfu/hwy/cesm/cases/waccmx/env_case.xml validates
If anyone knows how to fix this, thank you very much!
ERROR: Command: '/usr/bin/xmllint --xinclude --noout --schema /public/home/stu-sfu/hwy/cesm/cesm2.2.2/cime/config/xml_schemas/env_entry_ id.xsd /public/home/stu-sfu/hwy/cesm/cases/waccmx/env_case.xml' failed with error '' from dir '/public/home/stu-sfu/hwy/cesm/cases/waccmx'
I've encountered a similar error before, editing the xml has syntax errors associated with it, but in this env_case.xml I didn't edit or modify it, I just changed the start time in env_run.xml and set env_batch, then used the
. /case.submit --job case.run --batch-args “-l nodes=2:ppn=24” --job-name waccmx2 command to submit,
and it ran with an xml validation error, which is very strange to me because when I validated the file using xmllint alone, it was also normal, e.g.
/usr/bin/xmllint --xinclude --noout --schema /public/home/stu-sfu/hwy/cesm/cesm2.2.2/cime/config/xml_schemas/env_entry_id.xsd / public/home/stu-sfu/hwy/cesm/cases/waccmx/env_case.xml
/public/home/stu-sfu/hwy/cesm/cases/waccmx/env_case.xml validates
If anyone knows how to fix this, thank you very much!