I was trying to port the CESM2.1.2 into my local machine. I had the following error when I created the case:
$CESM_ROOT/cime/scripts/create_newcase --case FCSD_TOARII --mach dogwood --res f09_f09_mg17 --compset FCSD
cesm model version found: release-cesm2.1.2
Batch_system_type is slurm
ERROR: Command: '/usr/bin/xmllint --noout --schema /nas/longleaf/home/yuqiangz/dogwood_home/cesm2_1_2/cime/config/xml_schemas/config_batch.xsd /nas/longleaf/home/yuqiangz/dogwood_home/cesm2_1_2/cime/config/cesm/machines/config_batch.xml' failed with error '/nas/longleaf/home/yuqiangz/dogwood_home/cesm2_1_2/cime/config/cesm/machines/config_batch.xml:555: element queue: Schemas validity error : Element 'queue': '528_queue' is not a valid value of the atomic type 'xs:NCName'.
/nas/longleaf/home/yuqiangz/dogwood_home/cesm2_1_2/cime/config/cesm/machines/config_batch.xml fails to validate' from dir '/nas/longleaf/home/yuqiangz/dogwood_home/cesm2_1_2'
So in our school's policy, we have several large queues for us to use, named "528_queue", "2112_queue". However, it looks like "config_batch.xsd" will not allow digits in the queue name. I did a test by replacing "528_queue" with "debug_queue", which has much less nodes and only available for debug purpose, the codes compiled successfully. So how can I turn off the error messages in "config_batch.xsd"? Well, I could change my queue setting each time after I successfully compiled my case. However, I want to solve it once for all.
Thanks for your help!
$CESM_ROOT/cime/scripts/create_newcase --case FCSD_TOARII --mach dogwood --res f09_f09_mg17 --compset FCSD
cesm model version found: release-cesm2.1.2
Batch_system_type is slurm
ERROR: Command: '/usr/bin/xmllint --noout --schema /nas/longleaf/home/yuqiangz/dogwood_home/cesm2_1_2/cime/config/xml_schemas/config_batch.xsd /nas/longleaf/home/yuqiangz/dogwood_home/cesm2_1_2/cime/config/cesm/machines/config_batch.xml' failed with error '/nas/longleaf/home/yuqiangz/dogwood_home/cesm2_1_2/cime/config/cesm/machines/config_batch.xml:555: element queue: Schemas validity error : Element 'queue': '528_queue' is not a valid value of the atomic type 'xs:NCName'.
/nas/longleaf/home/yuqiangz/dogwood_home/cesm2_1_2/cime/config/cesm/machines/config_batch.xml fails to validate' from dir '/nas/longleaf/home/yuqiangz/dogwood_home/cesm2_1_2'
So in our school's policy, we have several large queues for us to use, named "528_queue", "2112_queue". However, it looks like "config_batch.xsd" will not allow digits in the queue name. I did a test by replacing "528_queue" with "debug_queue", which has much less nodes and only available for debug purpose, the codes compiled successfully. So how can I turn off the error messages in "config_batch.xsd"? Well, I could change my queue setting each time after I successfully compiled my case. However, I want to solve it once for all.
Thanks for your help!