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errors ("undefined reference to `netcdf_mp_nf90** ") after submitting cases


xinyi yang
Hi everyone,
I am testing an experiment in CESM2. Below shows the steps:
cd cime/scripts
./create_newcase --case mycase --compset X --res f19_g16
cd mycase
However, I get errors (shown below, just showing part of errors since they all saying "undefined reference to `netcdf_mp_nf90**' ") when I executed "./":
/mnt/scratch/nfs_fs02/yangx2/mycase/bld/intel/openmpi/nodebug/nothreads/pio/pio1/pio//home/yangx2/my_cesm_sandbox/cime/src/externals/pio1/pio/ undefined reference to `netcdf_mp_nf90_put_var_1d_eightbytereal_'
/mnt/scratch/nfs_fs02/yangx2/mycase/bld/intel/openmpi/nodebug/nothreads/pio/pio1/pio//home/yangx2/my_cesm_sandbox/cime/src/externals/pio1/pio/ undefined reference to `netcdf_mp_nf90_put_var_1d_eightbytereal_'
make: *** [/mnt/scratch/nfs_fs02/yangx2/mycase/bld/cesm.exe] Error 1
I thought it would be related to openmpi so my config_mechines.xml will be shown below:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- This is an ordered list, not all fields are required, optional fields are noted below. -->
<config_machines version="2.0">
<!-- MACH is the name that you will use in machine options -->
<machine MACH="yangx2">

<!-- DESC: a text description of the machine, this field is current not used in code-->
<DESC>University of Hawaii HPC</DESC>

<!-- NODENAME_REGEX: a regular expression used to identify this machine
it must work on compute nodes as well as login nodes, use machine option
to create_test or create_newcase if this flag is not available -->

<!-- OS: the operating system of this machine. Passed to cppflags for
compiled programs as -DVALUE recognized are LINUX, AIX, Darwin, CNL -->

<!-- PROXY: optional http proxy for access to the internet-->
<PROXY> https://howto.get.out </PROXY>
<!-- COMPILERS: compilers supported on this machine, comma seperated list, first is default -->


<!-- MPILIBS: mpilibs supported on this machine, comma seperated list,
first is default, mpi-serial is assumed and not required in this list-->
<!--<MPILIBS>openmpi,impi</MPILIBS> -->
<MPILIBS compiler="intel" >openmpi</MPILIBS>
<!-- PROJECT: A project or account number used for batch jobs
This value is used for directory names. If different from
actual accounting project id, use CHARGE_ACCOUNT
can be overridden in environment or $HOME/.cime/config -->

<!-- CHARGE_ACCOUNT: A project or account number used for batch jobs
This is the actual project used for cost accounting set in
the batch script (ex. #PBS -A charge_account). Will default
to PROJECT if not set.
can be overridden in environment or $HOME/.cime/config -->

<!-- SAVE_TIMING_DIR: (Acme only) directory for archiving timing output -->

<!-- SAVE_TIMING_DIR_PROJECTS: (Acme only) projects whose jobs archive timing output -->

<!-- CIME_OUTPUT_ROOT: Base directory for case output,
the case/bld and case/run directories are written below here -->

<!-- DIN_LOC_ROOT: location of the inputdata data directory
inputdata is downloaded automatically on a case by case basis as
long as the user has write access to this directory. We recommend that
all cime model users on a system share an inputdata directory
as it can be quite large -->

<!-- DIN_LOC_ROOT_CLMFORC: override of DIN_LOC_ROOT specific to CLM
forcing data -->

<!-- DOUT_S_ROOT: root directory of short term archive files, short term
archiving moves model output data out of the run directory, but
keeps it on disk-->

<!-- BASELINE_ROOT: Root directory for system test baseline files -->

<!-- CCSM_CPRNC: location of the cprnc tool, compares model output in testing-->

<!-- GMAKE: gnu compatible make tool, default is 'gmake' -->

<!-- GMAKE_J: optional number of threads to pass to the gmake flag -->

<!-- BATCH_SYSTEM: batch system used on this machine,
supported values are: none, cobalt, lsf, pbs, slurm -->

<!-- SUPPORTED_BY: contact information for support for this system
this field is not used in code -->

<!-- MAX_TASKS_PER_NODE: maximum number of threads*tasks per
shared memory node on this machine,
should always be >= MAX_MPITASKS_PER_NODE -->

<!-- MAX_MPITASKS_PER_NODE: number of physical PES per shared node on
this machine, in practice the MPI tasks per node will not exceed this value -->

<!-- PROJECT_REQUIRED: Does this machine require a project to be specified to
the batch system? See PROJECT above -->

<!-- mpirun: The mpi exec to start a job on this machine, supported values
are values listed in MPILIBS above, default and mpi-serial -->
<mpirun mpilib="openmpi">
<arg name="num_tasks">-np {{ total_tasks }}</arg>
<!-- <arg name="num_tasks">-np 40 </arg> -->
<!-- module system: allowed module_system type values are:
soft softenv-intro - An introduction to the SoftEnv system and how to use it
<module_system type="module">
<init_path lang="perl">/opt/ohpc/admin/lmod/8.1.18/init/perl</init_path>
<init_path lang="python">/opt/ohpc/admin/lmod/8.1.18/init/</init_path>
<init_path lang="sh">/opt/ohpc/admin/lmod/8.1.18/init/sh</init_path>
<init_path lang="csh">/opt/ohpc/admin/lmod/8.1.18/init/csh</init_path>
<cmd_path lang="perl">/opt/ohpc/admin/lmod/8.1.18/libexec/lmod perl</cmd_path>
<cmd_path lang="python">/opt/ohpc/admin/lmod/8.1.18/libexec/lmod python</cmd_path>
<cmd_path lang="sh">module</cmd_path>
<cmd_path lang="csh">module</cmd_path>
<command name="purge"/>
<modules compiler="intel">
<command name="load">toolchain/intel/2018.5.274</command>
<command name="load">devel/CMake/3.12.1-intel-2018.5.274</command>
<command name="load">data/netCDF/4.6.2-intel-2018.5.274</command>
<command name="load">data/netCDF-Fortran/4.4.5-intel-2018.5.274</command>
<!--<command name="load">devel/CMake/3.15.3</command>-->
<command name="load">geo/ESMF/7.1.0r-intel-2018.5.274</command>
<command name="load">lib/libfabric/1.7.1</command>
<command name="load">bio/BioPerl</command>
<command name="load">compiler/ifort/2018.5.274-GCC-6.3.0-2.26</command>
<command name="load">data/PnetCDF/1.9.0-intel-2018.5.274</command>
<modules compiler="gnu">
<command name="load">toolchain/intel/2018.5.274</command>
<command name="load">compiler/ifort/2018.5.274-GCC-6.3.0-2.26</command>
<command name="load">data/netCDF/4.6.2-intel-2018.5.274</command>
<command name="load">data/netCDF-Fortran/4.4.5-intel-2018.5.274</command>
<command name="load">devel/CMake/3.15.3</command>
<command name="load">lib/libfabric/1.7.1</command>
<command name="load">lang/Perl/5.28.1-GCCcore-6.3.0</command>
<command name="load">lib/libxml2/2.9.8-GCCcore-6.3.0</command>
<command name="load">bio/BioPerl/1.7.2-foss-2018b-Perl-5.28.0</command>
<command name="load">data/PnetCDF/1.9.0-intel-2018.5.274</command>
<modules mpilib="openmpi">
<command name="load">mpi/OpenMPI/3.1.1-iccifort-2018.5.274-GCC-6.3.0-2.26</command>
<env name="OMP_STACKSIZE">256M</env>
<env name="I_MPI_FABRICS">shm:ofi</env>
<env name="FI_PROVIDER">psm</env>
<env name="FI_PSM_TAGGED_RMA">0</env>
<env name="FI_PSM_AM_MSG">1</env>
<resource name="RLIMIT_STACK">-1</resource>
Any hints for solving this problem would be helpful! Thanks in advance!


CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
It looks like your link step did not include the netcdf library. You should have gotten an error at link time, not sure why you didn't.
try module show data/netCDF/4.6.2-intel-2018.5.274 to see how to link netcdf.


xinyi yang
It looks like your link step did not include the netcdf library. You should have gotten an error at link time, not sure why you didn't.
try module show data/netCDF/4.6.2-intel-2018.5.274 to see how to link netcdf.
Not sure what caused this problem. I solved this problem after revising the config_compiler.xml file by adding <append> $SHELL{${NETCDF_FORTRAN_PATH}/bin/nf-config --flibs} </append>. Still, thanks for you reply.

Dan chen

Dan Chen
New Member
Hi, thank you for advice. I came to the same error and found two solutions.

This refers to your advice:
ifort fortranscript.f90 -I $NETCDF/include -L $NETCDF/lib/ $(nf-config --flibs)
Another solution is:
ifort fortranscript.f90 -I $NETCDF/include -L $NETCDF/lib/ -lnetcdff


CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
@Dan chen Depending on how the netcdf-fortran library was compiled, you may also need -lnetcdf in your link line.
If you still get a runtime error regarding netcdf try adding