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F compset with irrigation

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Shreya Bhowmick

Shreya Bhowmick
New Member
Hi everyone,

I am using the compset F_AMIP_CAM5 in cesm 1.2.2 in a linux server of my university. I currently cannot upgrade to CESM2. I wanted to turn on irrigation in this compset and so I changed CLM_BLDNML_OPTS to "-irrig on" in a startup run. When I tried to setup the case I got the following error:

CLM build-namelist ERROR: No default value found for create_crop_landunit.
Are defaults provided for this resolution and land mask?
ERROR: clm.buildnml.csh failed
ERROR: /mnt/HDD/MODEL/CESM/cesm1_2_2/cases/F1979_11yr_irrig/preview_namelists failed: 25344

The resolution that I am using is f09_g16. Can anyone help me with this error? Is I compset neccessary to turn on irrigation?
I wanted to land and atmosphere to interact with each other along with prescribed SST and so I chose this compset.

Thank you for your time.


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
It doesn't look like there are any available transient surface datasets with irrigation active. I think there might be one available for year 2000 at that resolution, e.g., for this compset: F_2000_CAM5.
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