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F2000climo stops when initializing the CLM calling shr_dmodel_mapSet for remap


Yuanyuan HUANG
New Member

I am running the F2000climo compset with gird f19_f19_mg17 on HPC. After submission, the running stops when initializing the CLM component:

cpl log:
(seq_mct_drv) : Initialize each component: atm, lnd, rof, ocn, ice, glc, wav, esp, iac
(component_init_cc:mct) : Initialize component atm
(component_init_cc:mct) : Initialize component lnd

lnd log:
Skip balance checking for the first 2 time steps
(GETFIL): attempting to find local file
(GETFIL): using /my_cesm_sandbox/cesm_input_datasets/lnd/clm2/paramdata/

urbantv_streams settings:
stream_year_first_urbantv = 2000
stream_year_last_urbantv = 2000
model_year_align_urbantv = 1
stream_fldFileName_urbantv = /my_cesm_sandbox/cesm_input_datasets/lnd/clm2/urbandata/
urbantv_tintalgo =

(shr_strdata_init_streams) stream 1
(shr_strdata_init_streams) filePath = 1
(shr_strdata_init_streams) fileName = 1
(shr_strdata_init_streams) timeName = 1 time
(shr_strdata_init_streams) lonName = 1 lon
(shr_strdata_init_streams) latName = 1 lat
(shr_strdata_init_streams) hgtName = 1 undefined
(shr_strdata_init_streams) maskName = 1 LANDMASK
(shr_strdata_init_streams) areaName = 1 area
(shr_strdata_init_mapping) calling shr_dmodel_mapSet for remap
I would be highly obliged if anybody could help me with this matter.

Thanks in advance!

Best regards,


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
Unfortunately, I don't see any useful error messages here. When you post there should be a form requesting information that will help us diagnose your problem. Please fill that out as best you can instead of deleting it.
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