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fail to download ctsm5.2.0 inputdata

Yuan Sun

Yuan Sun
hi all,
I am using new_version CTSM and found the input data unavailable.

I checked the trunk:
  • fsurdat = '/work/n02/n02/yuansun/cesm/cesm_inputdata/lnd/clm2/surfdata_esmf/ctsm5.2.0/'
  • flanduse_timeseries = '/work/n02/n02/yuansun/cesm/cesm_inputdata/lnd/clm2/surfdata_esmf/ctsm5.2.0/'

I would be grateful if someone could share them with me.



I imported the two files to the repository, so I expect that you should now have access to them.

Please keep in mind that these files were intended for the ctsm5.2.mksurfdata branch. That's not a supported version of the model and it has evolved since the files were created, so they may not work with the version that you're using. It will be up to you to troubleshoot. Also they do not work with the ctsm5.1 code unless you include some modifications that are up to you to troubleshoot.

Yuan Sun

Yuan Sun
Dear Slevis,

Thanks very much.

I am trying to develop a new module for CLMU. It is suggested that maybe I should start from the latest version CTSM.

I use the CESM2.3alpha017 and its Externals.cfg included
tag = branch_tags/CESM3_dev.n04_ctsm5.1.dev145.

It is confusing the tag is ctsm5.1 but the requested land input is from ctsm5.2.

I would be grateful if you could explain more.



In case it helps, Here's a case where you will find the /SourceMods for reading a 5.2 fsurdat with 5.1 code. Read through this page:
You need access to derecho, casper, or cheyenne to see my code.

Yuan Sun

Yuan Sun
Hi Slevis,

I am sorry that I could not access the NCAR machines.

Where are the two files you have imported and how could I reach them?

Thank you.
