I wanted to run CTSM with WRF on a new machine Perlmutter. After installing a new PIO and ESMF library, I could successfully compile the code and even run the real.exe. However, the model stopped when running CTSM (rsl.error.0321.txt). I am sure the errors come from CTSM as the wrf.exe can run without a land surface model (sf_surface_physics = 0)
At first, I thought it might be because I used different ESMF libraries when compiling WRF and CTSM so I changed the ESMF library when compiling WRF. Yet the same error occurred.
Attached I included my config_compilers.xml, config_machines.xml, and config_batch.xml, as well as the rsl.out.*, rsl.error.* with the error message. Could you please let me know which might be the cause?
I wanted to run CTSM with WRF on a new machine Perlmutter. After installing a new PIO and ESMF library, I could successfully compile the code and even run the real.exe. However, the model stopped when running CTSM (rsl.error.0321.txt). I am sure the errors come from CTSM as the wrf.exe can run without a land surface model (sf_surface_physics = 0)
At first, I thought it might be because I used different ESMF libraries when compiling WRF and CTSM so I changed the ESMF library when compiling WRF. Yet the same error occurred.
Attached I included my config_compilers.xml, config_machines.xml, and config_batch.xml, as well as the rsl.out.*, rsl.error.* with the error message. Could you please let me know which might be the cause?