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Sam Rabin
I'm working to add an annually-output variable that gives the total "grain C to food" accumulated during each growing season. This will be faster and less error-prone than the usual method, which is to sum daily GRAINC_TO_FOOD across a growing season (after multiplying by 3600*24, or 3600*24*n_days_in_month if using monthly output).

Because that's the usual way of doing things, I was surprised to see that I'm only getting one positive GRAINC_TO_FOOD value per year, even when looking at daily outputs. I looked into it, and the variable that GRAINC_TO_FOOD tracks—repr_grainc_to_food_patch—is only ever updated immediately after harvest, in CNOffsetLitterfall():
repr_grainc_to_food(p,k) = t1 * reproductivec(p,k) &
    + cpool_to_reproductivec(p,k) - repr_grainc_to_seed(p,k)
where t1 = 1.0_r8 / dt. As I said, this was surprising but perhaps not a problem. Perhaps its constituent parts are doing the accumulating? But it looks like no, that's not the case. I don't see reproductivec get a positive value anywhere; cpool_to_reproductivec is often positive but is reset after every timestep, so it's not accumulating anything; repr_grainc_to_seed is assigned a new value (not accumulated) just before the above lines.

Then I realized that the alternative method of calculating this value—taking the maximum GRAINC_TO_FOOD seen across the entire year, instead of summing, as suggested here—conflicts with the summing method. Also, it would only make sense if GRAINC_TO_FOOD were cumulative, which it appears not to be.

What am I not understanding? @dll@ucar_edu, could you clarify?

My test simulation is 1x1_smallvilleIA, which has (I think) every crop. I branched off of ctsm5.1.dev092 and have made no changes beyond adding my new output variable and a lot of print messages.


Bill Sacks
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
I'm not totally following this... I would be happy to join a call on it if it would be helpful to have me in this discussion. But I do want to comment on this:

I don't see reproductivec get a positive value anywhere

Have you looked in src/biogeochem/CNCStateUpdate1Mod.F90? I believe it's updated there (look for references to reproductivec_patch in that module).


Sam Rabin
D'oh! Yes, I had added print statements at the three places in that file where it's updated, but had an incorrect conditional on the third one. Now I see it does indeed accumulate positive values.

I also now see that I was wrong about the two methods of getting GRAINC_TO_FOOD—summing a positive value plus a bunch of zeros is of course the same thing as just taking the maximum (i.e., the only positive value).

Sorry for the confusion!


K Narender Reddy
Hello all,
What would be the right way to extract yield data from GRAINC_TO_FOOD? I am currently employing the method described in the attachment. which is similar to method one of @samrabin. But the comparison with FAOEarthStat data and CLM data is overestimating the yield.
Please correct me if I'm using the wrong method.

NOTE: The GRAINC_TO_FOOD is written daily. Therefore, I am summing the daily values over the year.



  • Improving crop dynamics of spring wheat and rice in CLM-7-8.pdf
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Sam Rabin
Hi Narender,

As you've experienced, using the daily GRAINC_TO_FOOD output is complicated. By any chance did you also save GRAINC_TO_FOOD_ACCUM_PERHARV? That's a new variable I added to simplify the postprocessing. It might be worth comparing with your results from daily GRAINC_TO_FOOD. (Note that you don't need to multiply the _PERHARV version by 86400.) If they agree and you thus still see disagreement relative to Lombardozzi et al. (2020)—or you didn't save that variable—start a separate forum thread and tag me so we can try to figure it out.

Also, in that reply, please clarify what CLM_D and CLM_M are in the figures on the second page of that PDF.