Recently, I found the paleoCAMP website below
if I wanna run this part in this website
init_ts_file = '/glade/work/jiangzhu/data/inputdata/cesm2_21ka/'
BUT I do not have an account to get access to NCAR HPC and I can not find anywhere restore these files
There is any way can I get these files without ask the data provider?
if I wanna run this part in this website
2.5. Advanced module: recreate Jiang’s CESM2-PaleoCalibr LGM simulation
I have to download the initial files likeinit_ts_file = '/glade/work/jiangzhu/data/inputdata/cesm2_21ka/'
BUT I do not have an account to get access to NCAR HPC and I can not find anywhere restore these files
There is any way can I get these files without ask the data provider?