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How does soil_moisture_streams work?


New Member
I designed a experiment (startup run, F2000climo in CESM2) in which the soil moisture is prescribed with a given soil moisture climatology file. To reach this purpose, I set use_soil_moisture_streams = .true. in user_nl_clm. I also set stream_fldfilename_soilm = '/BIGDATA2/fudan_zuozhy_3/cesm2.0/importdata/'. The detailed settings in user_nl_clm is followed:
soilm_ignore_data_if_missing = .true.
soilm_offset = 0
soilm_tintalgo = 'linear'
stream_fldfilename_soilm = '/BIGDATA2/fudan_zuozhy_3/cesm2.0/importdata/'
stream_year_first_soilm = 1997
stream_year_last_soilm = 1997
I first ran the model for 1 year for test, and checked the monthly H2OSOI and SOILWATER_10CM output with the reference data (the given soil moisture clamatology file). However, I find that there is a large positive deviation in SOILWATER_10CM and negative deviation in H2OSOI in all the 12 months (see the fig below). It is so strange.
I think if I set use_soil_moisture_streams = .true., the given soil moisture file will replace the model output at each step. So the monthly H2OSOI output should be same as the reference data in the corresponding months, right? But I now wonder if I got it right?How does soil_moisture_streams work? Maybe I ran the model too short, and the model needs more time to spinup?
截屏2024-08-29 16.25.57.png截屏2024-08-29 16.26.55.png
Thanks and best wishes,