Thanks so much. It helps me a lot!Hi Ren,
You will need to also reduce the amount of SO2 by the amount of so4 you create. Below is a snippet of code from how I create so4 for fire emissions (it all goes into so4_a4 for fires because there is no so4_a2 from fires).
Hope that helps!
if (tracer.eq."SO4") then
diam = 0.134e-06
rho_SO4 = 1770.
mw = 115. ; CAM-chem reads SO4 as NH4HSO4 in MAM (mw_so4 for BAM is 96)
end if
; SO4 created from SO2
; Also create num_* species
if (tracer.eq."SO4") then
emiss_so2_new = 0.975 * emiss_in
emiss_so4 = 0.025 * emiss_in
mass_particle = rho_SO4 *(PI/6.) *(diam)^3 ;mass per particle (kg/particle)
; CESM scales emissions by amufac when read in
; (to convert molec/cm2/s to kg/m2/s)
; amufac = 1.65979e-23 = (1E-3kg/g)*(1E4cm2/m2)/Avog
; therefore number emissions files are also scaled by 1/amufac
num_emiss = emiss_so4 * mw /mass_particle ;(particles/cm2/s)(molecules/mole)(g/kg)
; to write out
new_names = (/"SO2", "so4_a1", "num_so4_a1"/)
new_emiss = (/emiss_so2_new, emiss_so4, num_emiss/)
end if
end if
Thank you, Rebecca. May I know how to calculate the vertical distribution of so4_a1 (industry and energy)? I found a post in Github (cesm-cmip6-emissions/historical_emissions/ at main · lkemmons/cesm-cmip6-emissions) showing the routines used to create the CMIP6 emissions used in CESM2. But I am not sure if it is correct. Thank you so much!Hi Ren,
You will need to also reduce the amount of SO2 by the amount of so4 you create. Below is a snippet of code from how I create so4 for fire emissions (it all goes into so4_a4 for fires because there is no so4_a2 from fires).
Hope that helps!
if (tracer.eq."SO4") then
diam = 0.134e-06
rho_SO4 = 1770.
mw = 115. ; CAM-chem reads SO4 as NH4HSO4 in MAM (mw_so4 for BAM is 96)
end if
; SO4 created from SO2
; Also create num_* species
if (tracer.eq."SO4") then
emiss_so2_new = 0.975 * emiss_in
emiss_so4 = 0.025 * emiss_in
mass_particle = rho_SO4 *(PI/6.) *(diam)^3 ;mass per particle (kg/particle)
; CESM scales emissions by amufac when read in
; (to convert molec/cm2/s to kg/m2/s)
; amufac = 1.65979e-23 = (1E-3kg/g)*(1E4cm2/m2)/Avog
; therefore number emissions files are also scaled by 1/amufac
num_emiss = emiss_so4 * mw /mass_particle ;(particles/cm2/s)(molecules/mole)(g/kg)
; to write out
new_names = (/"SO2", "so4_a1", "num_so4_a1"/)
new_emiss = (/emiss_so2_new, emiss_so4, num_emiss/)
end if
end if
I calculated so4_a1_anthro-ene-vertical for altitudes of 0.175, 0.225, 0.275, and 0.325 km as 0.025 * (ene+ind)/2e4 and set 0 to rest altitude layers, where ene and ind denote SO2 surface emission from energy and industrial sectors.Thank you, Rebecca. May I know how to calculate the vertical distribution of so4_a1 (industry and energy)? I found a post in Github (cesm-cmip6-emissions/historical_emissions/ at main · lkemmons/cesm-cmip6-emissions) showing the routines used to create the CMIP6 emissions used in CESM2. But I am not sure if it is correct. Thank you so much!
Thank you so much! I got it.I calculated so4_a1_anthro-ene-vertical for altitudes of 0.175, 0.225, 0.275, and 0.325 km as 0.025 * (ene+ind)/2e4 and set 0 to rest altitude layers, where ene and ind denote SO2 surface emission from energy and industrial sectors.
Thank you so much, Rebecca. It's very helpful!Hi Qi,
That GitHub post is correct - Louisa Emmons produced the CMIP6 emissions for CAM-chem.