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How to convert SOILLIQ (kg/m^2) to H2OSOI (m^3/m^3) from clm output


New Member

SOILLIQ and H2OSOI both reprsent the soil moisture. I would like to convert SOILLIQ (kg/m^2) to H2OSOI (m^3/m^3), which have different units. But I have no idea how to do. I am looking forward to any suggestions.

Thanks in advance.


New Member
I got the soil layer thickness (deltazi) from the clm5 user's guide (see the third row from the attached Fig). And, I tried to convert a to b by the following method:
SOILLIQ (kg/m^2)/(1000*deltazi) = H2OSOI (m^3/m^3).
However, the results seem incorrect.


  • 截屏2024-08-18 11.18.07.png
    截屏2024-08-18 11.18.07.png
    213.9 KB · Views: 6


New Member
I got the soil layer thickness (deltazi) from the clm5 user's guide (see the third row from the attached Fig). And, I tried to convert a to b by the following method:
SOILLIQ (kg/m^2)/(1000*deltazi) = H2OSOI (m^3/m^3).
However, the results seem incorrect.
Sorry for the mistake. Please focus on this message.
I got the soil layer thickness (deltazi) from the clm5 user's guide (see the second row from the attached Fig). And, I tried to convert SOILLIQ (kg/m^2) to H2OSOI (m^3/m^3) by the following method:
SOILLIQ (kg/m^2)/(1000*deltazi) = H2OSOI (m^3/m^3).
However, the results seem incorrect.


  • 截屏2024-08-18 13.24.28.png
    截屏2024-08-18 13.24.28.png
    202.8 KB · Views: 6


New Member
Dear Oleson,

Thank you for your reply. Because I focus on the boreal summer, I think the land ice should have melted, and H2OSOI should be similar as SOILLIQ in the north hemisphere? If so, H2OSOI and SOILLIQ should both represent the soil moisture but with different units.
In a land-air uncoupled experiment, I would like to add new prescribed moisture streams feature (set use_soil_moisture_streams=Ture) with the specified H2OSOI file which is obtained from a land-air coulping experiment, but the land-air coulping experiment I did before did not output the H2OSOI file. So I would like to convert SOILLIQ (kg/m^2) to H2OSOI (m^3/m^3), and I can specify this streams file for soil moisture and use it in place of the model prognostically determining soil moisture in a land-air uncoupled experiment.
Do you have any suggesutions for converting the units if H2OSOI is similar as SOILLIQ in the north hemisphere in the boreal summer?
Thanks in advance.


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
If there is no ice then I would think that approach should work. I spot-checked a couple of gridcells from a recent run I had and that equation worked fine. I guess I would suggest producing some global maps of the difference at each soil layer and seeing if you can find some spatial pattern in the differences that would explain the differences.


New Member
If there is no ice then I would think that approach should work. I spot-checked a couple of gridcells from a recent run I had and that equation worked fine. I guess I would suggest producing some global maps of the difference at each soil layer and seeing if you can find some spatial pattern in the differences that would explain the differences.
Dear oleson,
Thanks for your reply. Acoording to you reply, I think H2OSOI should equal to SOILLIQ plus SOILICE in every month, which is is mathematically rigorous?
I tried to convert SOILLIQ+SOILICE (kg/m^2) to H2OSOI (m^3/m^3) by the following method:
(SOILLIQ+SOILICE)/(1000*deltazi) = H2OSOI
where deltazi=
I found this method works fine in Jun-Sep, but not very well (~7% bias relative to the reference) in other months when there are many SOILICE over land. It is strange because I think the equation should be be mathematically rigorous. Do you have any suggestions?


New Member
Dear oleson,
Thanks for your reply. Acoording to you reply, I think H2OSOI should equal to SOILLIQ plus SOILICE in every month, which is is mathematically rigorous?
I tried to convert SOILLIQ+SOILICE (kg/m^2) to H2OSOI (m^3/m^3) by the following method:
(SOILLIQ+SOILICE)/(1000*deltazi) = H2OSOI
where deltazi=
I found this method works fine in Jun-Sep, but not very well (~7% bias relative to the reference) in other months when there are many SOILICE over land. It is strange because I think the equation should be be mathematically rigorous. Do you have any suggestions?
Problem has been solved. The correct equation should be (SOILLIQ/1000+SOILICE/920)/deltazi = H2OSOI. Thanks everyone.