Hi, all
The model I'm using with palm tree functionality is based on ctsm1.dev040 (I runs well), but this version doesn't have SSP, so I need to upgrade my development version to the nearest version that does have SSP, which is ctsm1.dev090, and by upgrade I mean copying the src folder of ctsm1.dev040 directly to ctsm1.dev090, because the main code changes are made in the src folder (comment with Y.Fan).
But even so, there are a lot of differences between the two versions, for example the new version adds some new variables and such like fates_parteh_mode.
I can successfully build and submit, but when the model run, the lnd.log prompts.
ERROR: ERROR reading clm_inparm namelistERROR in /mnt/lustre/a2fs-work2/work/n02/n02/ruxu/cesm/CESM/ctsm1dev093/src/main/controlMod.F90 at line 323
I suspect a mismatch between some of the default parameters and the old version of the code after I replaced the default src in ctsm1.dev090.. May be I should match the variable in F90 and In namelists..
I don't know if this can be resolved by deleting all code related to the new ctsm1.dev090 variables.
I attached my src and log file for your reference. Any help will be helpful….
I can not attach src folder as it is too large.. But i atthach log files for your reference..
The model I'm using with palm tree functionality is based on ctsm1.dev040 (I runs well), but this version doesn't have SSP, so I need to upgrade my development version to the nearest version that does have SSP, which is ctsm1.dev090, and by upgrade I mean copying the src folder of ctsm1.dev040 directly to ctsm1.dev090, because the main code changes are made in the src folder (comment with Y.Fan).
But even so, there are a lot of differences between the two versions, for example the new version adds some new variables and such like fates_parteh_mode.
I can successfully build and submit, but when the model run, the lnd.log prompts.
ERROR: ERROR reading clm_inparm namelistERROR in /mnt/lustre/a2fs-work2/work/n02/n02/ruxu/cesm/CESM/ctsm1dev093/src/main/controlMod.F90 at line 323
I suspect a mismatch between some of the default parameters and the old version of the code after I replaced the default src in ctsm1.dev090.. May be I should match the variable in F90 and In namelists..
I don't know if this can be resolved by deleting all code related to the new ctsm1.dev090 variables.
I attached my src and log file for your reference. Any help will be helpful….
I can not attach src folder as it is too large.. But i atthach log files for your reference..