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How to get extended prescribed SST data


New Member
Hi everyone, i am using FHIST compset, trying to do simulation in year 2021. However, the default prescribed SST data only has time range from 1850 to 2017.

Is there any way i can download SST of 2021 for initiation? I notice that is produced according to Hurrell et al. [2008]Chapter 3. Input datasets). I tried to download data from Dataset: Merged Hadley-OI sea surface temperature and sea ice concentration data set., but i find the variable is named "Sea surface temperature" , which is different from "BCS Pseudo SST" in

Can anyone tell me how to download or make prescribed SST data of 2021 for F compset?


Adam Phillips
CVCWG Liaison
Staff member
Last edited:


New Member
The datasets provided here: Dataset: Merged Hadley-OI sea surface temperature and sea ice concentration data set are the raw SST/ice datasets. One needs to use (what we call) the diddling software on the datasets to prepare them to be forcings in F-compset simulations. In this case, we have already diddled the datasets. I have copied the data file you are looking for to here: (735MB)
Thanks a lot! Does the "diddling software" refer to /CESM/components/cam/tools/icesst?


Adam Phillips
CVCWG Liaison
Staff member
Yes. The diddling software is older and can be hard to run (depending on the system). As that is the case, I thought it best to provide you with the diddled file as we already had it.