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How to get the file "b.e21.BHIST.f09_g17.CMIP6-historical.011"

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New Member
Hi, everyone.

I set use_soil_moisture_streams = .true. in user_nl_clm. I also set stream_fldfilename_soilm = '/BIGDATA2/fudan_zuozhy_3/cesm2.0/importdata/'. I note that the H2OSOI in the file "" is 1980-2014 climatological monthly mean H2OSOI from from file "b.e21.BHIST.f09_g17.CMIP6-historical.011"?
Where can I get this file "b.e21.BHIST.f09_g17.CMIP6-historical.011"? I can't find it on the CMIP6 download site or on the CESM2 large ensemble download site.

Thanks and best wishes,

截屏2024-11-27 10.22.13.png


Keith Oleson
CSEG and Liaisons
Staff member
That comment just notes that the data came from the simulation with the case name b.e21.BHIST.f09_g17.CMIP6-historical.011. I think you should be able to find simulation output on the CMIP6 download site if you search for r11i1p1f1
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