I want to output a 3D(pft, lat, lon) local variable as histfield and read it again. for example, the local variable, named "rh_can" in subroutine PhotosynthesisHydraulicStress of PhotosynthesisMod.F90.
the version of CESM is 2.1.3. the script of creating case is:
./create_newcase --compset FHIST_BGC --res f09_f09_mg17 --case ~/CESM2/scratch/Default_1D_nocrop
Thank you for any help.
I want to output a 3D(pft, lat, lon) local variable as histfield and read it again. for example, the local variable, named "rh_can" in subroutine PhotosynthesisHydraulicStress of PhotosynthesisMod.F90.
the version of CESM is 2.1.3. the script of creating case is:
./create_newcase --compset FHIST_BGC --res f09_f09_mg17 --case ~/CESM2/scratch/Default_1D_nocrop
Thank you for any help.