The only released version of CESM that can do interactive stratospheric aerosols is CESM2(WACCM6). The CMIP6 DECK and historical experiments were run with CESM2(WACCM6) at two horizontal resolutions: 0.95°x1.25° and 1.8°x2.5°. Both of these resolutions are supported in the CESM2.1 release. I recommend using the latest release version of CESM2.1, currently CESM2.1.3.
Volcanic forcing is included in CESM2(WACCM6) as emissions of SO2 via the ext_frc_specifier. For the historical compsets, this includes a series of episodic eruptions. For the piControl 1850 compsets, this is a constant emission representing the average emissions from eruptions over the historical period (1850-2014).
The latest versions of the historical eruption emissions file go back to the year 850CE, so they include Tambora and Laki.