Hi all,
I am trying to run a simulation in the ISSP585 CPLHIST mode (compset long name: SSP585_DATM%CPLHIST_CLM50%SP_SICE_SOCN_MOSART_SGLC_SWAV) with CTSM5.2. I noticed that the coupler history files for CTSM have new NetCDF names (e.g. **.cpl.hx.atm.3h.avrg.**.nc instead of **.cpl.ha2x3h.**.nc) and variable names, and the dimensions for each variable are also different from the old coupler history files.
This thread mentions that although the format of the coupler history files has changed for CTSM, it is still possible to use the old coupler history files as long as we rename the files and variables to match the new format for CTSM. The coupler history files I'd like to use are from case "b.e21.BSSP585cmip6.f09_g17.CMIP6-SSP5-8.5.102" and I have both monthly and daily files (at /glade/derecho/scratch/keerzhang/archive/SSP585cpl/b.e21.BSSP585cmip6.f09_g17.CMIP6-SSP5-8.5.102/cpl/).
I've tried these:
1) change the datm.streams.xml to match the old file names and variable names of coupler history files. See this case: /glade/u/home/keerzhang/CTSM5.2.005EAC_3/cime/scripts/TestCase/ISSP585Sp.ctsm52.ChangeStream
This case failed with an error message in the cesm log:".../bin/bash: module: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
/bin/bash: error importing function definition for `module'
dec2107.hsn.de.hpc.ucar.edu 1280: /bin/bash: module: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
dec2107.hsn.de.hpc.ucar.edu 1280: /bin/bash: error importing function definition for `module'
dec2107.hsn.de.hpc.ucar.edu 1281: /bin/bash: module: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file..." (log files: /glade/derecho/scratch/keerzhang/ISSP585Sp.ctsm52.ChangeStream/run)
2) change the names of the old cplhist files and variables to match the new format for CTSM. See this case:
This case failed with an error message in the cesm log:"....dec2062.hsn.de.hpc.ucar.edu 0: Abort with message Specified netCDF file does not exist. in file /glade/derecho/scratch/csgteam/temp/spack/derecho/23.09/builds/spack-stage-parallelio-2.6.2-zyhuubh2c6tdzo3o3zugo55lv6atxzzv/spack-src/src/clib/pioc_support.c at line 2843
dec2062.hsn.de.hpc.ucar.edu 1: Abort with message Specified netCDF file does not exist. in file /glade/derecho/scratch/csgteam/temp/spack/derecho/23.09/builds/spack-stage-parallelio-2.6.2-zyhuubh2c6tdzo3o3zugo55lv6atxzzv/spack-src/src/clib/pioc_support.c at line 2843..." (log files: /glade/derecho/scratch/keerzhang/ISSP585Sp.ctsm52.ChangeCplhistFiles/run)
For both test cases, I set flds_presndep = .false. since the old coupler history files do not have any variables for "NOx nad NHx deposition". I am attaching my setup details of these two cases. I wonder if running ISSP585 CPLHIST simulations is feasible with CTSM5.2. If yes, can anyone share some experience or successful cases with me?
Thanks a lot!!
I am trying to run a simulation in the ISSP585 CPLHIST mode (compset long name: SSP585_DATM%CPLHIST_CLM50%SP_SICE_SOCN_MOSART_SGLC_SWAV) with CTSM5.2. I noticed that the coupler history files for CTSM have new NetCDF names (e.g. **.cpl.hx.atm.3h.avrg.**.nc instead of **.cpl.ha2x3h.**.nc) and variable names, and the dimensions for each variable are also different from the old coupler history files.
This thread mentions that although the format of the coupler history files has changed for CTSM, it is still possible to use the old coupler history files as long as we rename the files and variables to match the new format for CTSM. The coupler history files I'd like to use are from case "b.e21.BSSP585cmip6.f09_g17.CMIP6-SSP5-8.5.102" and I have both monthly and daily files (at /glade/derecho/scratch/keerzhang/archive/SSP585cpl/b.e21.BSSP585cmip6.f09_g17.CMIP6-SSP5-8.5.102/cpl/).
I've tried these:
1) change the datm.streams.xml to match the old file names and variable names of coupler history files. See this case: /glade/u/home/keerzhang/CTSM5.2.005EAC_3/cime/scripts/TestCase/ISSP585Sp.ctsm52.ChangeStream
This case failed with an error message in the cesm log:".../bin/bash: module: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
/bin/bash: error importing function definition for `module'
dec2107.hsn.de.hpc.ucar.edu 1280: /bin/bash: module: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file
dec2107.hsn.de.hpc.ucar.edu 1280: /bin/bash: error importing function definition for `module'
dec2107.hsn.de.hpc.ucar.edu 1281: /bin/bash: module: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file..." (log files: /glade/derecho/scratch/keerzhang/ISSP585Sp.ctsm52.ChangeStream/run)
2) change the names of the old cplhist files and variables to match the new format for CTSM. See this case:
This case failed with an error message in the cesm log:"....dec2062.hsn.de.hpc.ucar.edu 0: Abort with message Specified netCDF file does not exist. in file /glade/derecho/scratch/csgteam/temp/spack/derecho/23.09/builds/spack-stage-parallelio-2.6.2-zyhuubh2c6tdzo3o3zugo55lv6atxzzv/spack-src/src/clib/pioc_support.c at line 2843
dec2062.hsn.de.hpc.ucar.edu 1: Abort with message Specified netCDF file does not exist. in file /glade/derecho/scratch/csgteam/temp/spack/derecho/23.09/builds/spack-stage-parallelio-2.6.2-zyhuubh2c6tdzo3o3zugo55lv6atxzzv/spack-src/src/clib/pioc_support.c at line 2843..." (log files: /glade/derecho/scratch/keerzhang/ISSP585Sp.ctsm52.ChangeCplhistFiles/run)
For both test cases, I set flds_presndep = .false. since the old coupler history files do not have any variables for "NOx nad NHx deposition". I am attaching my setup details of these two cases. I wonder if running ISSP585 CPLHIST simulations is feasible with CTSM5.2. If yes, can anyone share some experience or successful cases with me?
Thanks a lot!!