Hi, islasI think Sam is right but we don't have an SSP compset for an F-case. So you will need to first setup a coupled simulation with the SSP compset that you choose and look at the namelist settings for the atmosphere and the land in ./CaseDocs/atm_in and lnd_in after running ./preview_namelists on that case. You'll need to then set up an FHIST case and copy over all the namelist settings from the coupeld run that are setting the input forcings into user_nl_cam and user_nl_clm in the case directory of your FHIST run. You'll also need to make sure that you're pointing to an SST file that extends beyond 2014. I don't think it'll matter too much which one you use. For the CVCWG simulations that are available here, we used SSP3-7.0
I have a futher question, if i create a experiment following this method, for example I use ssp585, for 2020-2050, which variable should I check to
demonstrate my simulation is really under a warming climate (as I use ssp585), the TS, TSA from CAM or TBOT from clm?